Since 90 Day Fiancé came to be, men have always been the show’s biggest villains. When it comes to international marriage, something about it attracts the meanest and most controlling men. There have been seasons where you almost want producers to get this woman away from the manipulative guy who is promising her the world. And with other reality shows like Adults Adopting Adults facing the consequences for filming women in dangerous situations, I wondered if we’d see 90 Day Fiancé move away from the “young girl comes to America for weird guy” relationships.
It’s a clearly problematic dynamic for the series to base its success on. Luckily, season nine feels like an active step to balance the scales: They have got some real evil adult women on this show now. As much as I hate Ari, she clearly changed how the show operates and proves to producers that men can have a sympathetic story line. And while no one beats the evil of Ari, there are some serious contenders.
In this episode, we finally meet Patrick and his Brazilian fiancé, Thais. Thais is absolutely gorgeous, but I can’t say I felt true love’s spark between this pair. Patrick gives us a quick update on his life: He was a weightlifter who was suspended for using steroids twice. He lost his first wife over this and his older brother moved in with him. It seems obvious Patrick is going through some life-changing problems and sees Thais as a form of stability. He doesn’t even seem sure that things will work out with Thais, which is why he won’t kick his brother out in case he ends up alone again.
Thais seems ready to come to America and take over her house. I hope she really does love Patrick, because it seems like that guy could really use a win. Anyway, I am mostly looking forward to the inevitable clash between Thais and Patrick’s brother.
Jibri and Miona also deal with family clashes this week because Miona has decided she actually doesn’t want to do any of the things she said she’d do the previous week. Jibri’s mom said they’d have to cook and do some chores. That’s fair! They’re adults! When they live on their own, they will have to cook and grocery shop and clean! Jibri and Miona clearly can’t even feed themselves. I am so sure they didn’t season any of that frozen food. It is not hard to make pasta! If this is how Miona is going to act until they move to L.A., things will fall apart. If I thought these two were in it for more than Instagram followers, I might even care!
We do get two successful family reunions in this episode! That might be a record for the show, honestly. Kobe and Shaeeda both seem to get along great with their new families. Kobe is sobbing before he even gets to see his son, and it is one of the sweetest moments I’ve ever seen on this show. Emily’s parents have been holding Emily’s past against Kobe, but I think they saw he’s a genuine, sensitive guy. I don’t think I’ve ever liked a man on 90 Day Fiancé this quickly! I swear, Kobe, you better not let me down! I feel like Kobe wants to focus on building his relationship with his son, and Emily is going to feel like he’s ignoring her.
Shaeeda meets Bilal’s family this week, and it starts off pretty great! Even though they are all in on Bilal’s dumb prank, Shaeeda plays it off well. If there is one evil man on this season so far, it’s Bilal, and we see his manipulation at work during dinner with his mom. It’s not the pranks and tests he puts Shaeeda through; it’s how he openly tears down her character when they start talking about having children. Shaeeda has never hidden the fact that she wants kids. Bilal is the one hiding something here. Instead of owning up to that, he blames Shaeeda for being thoughtless and immature.
Shaeeda is anything but childish, though! She sees what Bilal is doing and isn’t afraid to bring up these conversations. If Bilal is a villain, Shaeeda is a formidable foe who might be able to come out on top in this situation. If Shaeeda and Bilal had more of an age gap, I’d be worried about this dynamic, but I think Shaeeda will make Bilal realize they can have a beautiful life together if he trusts her.
And finally, I know I already mentioned it briefly, but I have to set aside time to address Ari’s final moments in Ethiopia. Please remember that Ari intended to move to Ethiopia. She always wanted to be part of Bini’s family. Bini’s family invited her to celebrations, traditions, everything! She routinely ignored them or was rude to them. If we need more evidence that the person who couldn’t put their ego to the side is Ari, it’s during the scene at the airport. Bini’s family comes to say good-bye to him and Avi, but Ari refuses to take Avi out of the car. Those are Avi’s aunts! He loves them! She claims it’s too cold, but she also won’t let his family get in the van. Also, as soon as his family leaves, she hops out of the car with Avi. It is so petty and small.
90 Day Notes
• Patrick’s brother, John, going, “I don’t speak Portuguese, whateva,” and trying to speak Portuguese was very funny and hot. Basically, I now have to disclose a difficult secret with you, readers: I am attracted to Boston accents. I am so sorry.
• Okay, I also loved John talking to all the people at the bar. I am sorry, if I date John, can I be on 90 Day Fiancé?
• Kara and Guillermo were boring this week, sorry!
• Wish absolutely does not need to say sorry to Ari. She was so right about that.
• Ari will get so angry and jealous if Bini contacts his ex-wife or other kid.