
90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Evelin vs. Ari for Title of ‘Season’s Worst Person’

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way

From Soup to Nuts
Season 3 Episode 4
Editor’s Rating 4 stars

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way

From Soup to Nuts
Season 3 Episode 4
Editor’s Rating 4 stars
Photo: TLC

When Evelin revealed her secret wedding to Corey, I held out hope that there was some spark of romance or love behind the decision. Maybe Corey and Evelin don’t even seem like they like each other on camera, but there was always a chance that their decision to run and elope was based on love! That isn’t the case at all. It turns out Corey’s visa was expiring, and the only way for him to stay in Ecuador was to get married. The footage of the wedding is so bleak. Corey looks so happy and close to tears repeating what the pastor says. Evelin says she thinks vows are corny, and she doesn’t want to do them. She then immediately regrets her decision. Classic Corey and Evelin.

Evelin’s sisters hate Corey, but he doesn’t force Evelin to marry him. Corey’s relationship with Jenny wasn’t even disrespectful to Evelin since they’d already broken up (although I guess he was married to Evelin when he dated Jenny?). As a picky eater who hates fatty textures, I wanted to scream for Corey when they tricked him into eating penis soup. It was a childish prank to disgust him, and Corey doesn’t deserve that treatment. He’s trying to make it work with Evelin and give her the wedding of her dreams, and her family treats him like this?! Corey, WAKE UP! That woman hates you!

Perhaps the only person who hates their partner more than Evelin is Ari, who spends the episode mostly having a heart-to-heart with her ex-husband. Ari also reveals that she and Leandro broke up because she wanted kids, and he didn’t. This only adds to my theory that Ari went and had the baby she wanted so she could turn around and just make Leandro a stepdad. The only downside to Ari’s plan is that her child already has a father, and his family would very much like to keep Avi in their lives. Ari constantly threatens Bini and his sisters with the idea of going back to America with their kid. They’re tired of it, and I’m not surprised they asked Ari point-blank about her intentions.

When Bini’s family said Ari would leave with Leandro, their implications were clear even if they only meant she was leaving with Leandro for the night. I don’t care if Ari swears she’s not Bini’s other ex who ran away with their kid. I don’t care how much Ari and Bini talk through their issues; the fact remains that Ari is simply not happy, and that’s why even Leandro knows she wants to get out of Ethiopia.

If I’ve been harsh on this season’s women, please rest easy and know that I’ve settled on firmly hating Steven. We aren’t meant to like everyone on this big, blue planet, and I simply cannot stand that kid. Beyond the secrets he’s keeping from Alina, he has the kind of personality that irritates me. There’s no reason for an adult to throw their bags down in an airport and leave them on the ground! I would be the person walking out behind him, rolling my eyes and groaning as I step around his bags! I would be the person in the Airbnb they’re sharing with other adults going, “Why the hell is this kid jumping in the pool with all of his clothes on?!” If I were Alina, I’d be embarrassed by everything Steven is doing in public.

I honestly don’t even remember the actual plot of Steven and Alina’s story in this episode because I was so irritated by him. He’s using all of his power not to have sex with Alina, and she will not budge on this separate apartment issue. Steven seemed to think he could placate her for one night then gaslight her into taking his side. Alina stood firm: They’re staying at the same place. I am sure Steven’s actions will force Alina to remove the rose-colored glasses that make him seem attractive to her. Girl, you cannot date a boy who calls sex “skoodly poop.” I physically convulsed when he said that.

Okay, let’s focus on the couples that give me faith so I can remember what’s at the heart of this series: Love. Since Sumit is still just telling Jenny the same lie, we can just skip over them. Ellie and Victor are finally reunited, and we get to see if their feelings for each other are authentic. My professional assessment after years of watching 90 Day Fiancé? I’d rank their love as “Real Enough.” Victor isn’t a blatant scammer faking affection, but it also seems like he’s just a really charming guy taking advantage of a situation. Ellie sees him as her soulmate and would give him anything. My degree in 90 Day Fiancé also clarifies this: Ellie, like so many before her on the show, is dick-matized. As I discussed with Shaun Robinson and Nicole Byer, this is a dangerous state to be in. Hopefully, she doesn’t get hurt before she realizes there might not be much more to their relationship than that.

This is also a huge episode for Kenny and Armando! Last week I said producers were desperately looking for something to create drama in their story, but this week captured what makes them so great. Watching their families slowly come together feels realistic and intimate. For those of us who’ve followed them from the beginning, that hug between Kenny and Armando’s father was HUGE. They don’t need Ari and Biniyam-level drama to be interesting.

90 Day Notes

• Bini’s sisters said, “I don’t care if she only stayed with you for two days! You can cheat in two days!” I love them. Also, Ari did not look moved by Bini’s speech at all. She’s so worried he’s going to cheat, she can’t see past her insecurity.

• I get hives whenever Steven talks in that cutesy voice and asks for “one more” kiss.

• Evelin is just torturing Corey for dating someone else. I think forcing him to pay for a big wedding and her sisters is part of the humiliation.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap