It took 14 episodes for this season’s relationships to complete their emotional arcs. Of course, this is reality TV, and you can’t force Ariela to realize she’s made a huge mistake sooner than she’s ready, but producers have certainly taken their time telling some of these stories. This season has clearly been impacted by quarantine, and some of these confrontations are obvious, but “The Truth Hurts” works as a perfect cliffhanger. When 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way comes back in October, we’ll be ready to jump right in with Armando’s and Sumit’s parents and Ariela’s eventual escape from Ethiopia.
I’m even happy with where Brittany and Yazan landed at the end of things. Like Yazan, I don’t think Brittany is going to come back to Jordan easily. I have no doubt this girl is going to get divorced, wild out in Chicago, and forget all about any interest in Islam she might’ve had. If Brittany really does get divorced and rush back to immediately get married, then I’ll finally believe this sham of a relationship is real. Yazan is right to be suspicious, especially after their blowup over her pictures on social media. As their supposed wedding date approaches, his family is going to get more strict, which isn’t going to work with Brittany being an American in America.
I’d rather see Brittany and Yazan’s relationship implode in different countries than risk them breaking up in person. Tim and Melyza might end up being a great example of how quickly things can get hurtful. Melyza finds out Tim is still lying about his job and home back in America, and he wants to rush into marriage so he can get a job. Melyza previously said she can come off a bit cold, and that is true in their confrontation. We haven’t seen them argue before, but they both throw snide remarks and get passive-aggressive. It also turns out Melyza is hiding secrets of her own, which makes their attempts at a relationship seem even more doomed. Tim has been in Colombia for four episodes now, and we still haven’t seen him and Melyza share one romantic moment together. If Melyza also cheated or started seeing someone else, that will definitely be the end of things. They’re not on the same page at all. Melyza’s dad was right: Ending things might be for the best.
Who else is up for the chopping block? Ariela and Biniyam. They’re forced to finally have their first real conversation, and it breaks down. Biniyam tells her to shut up. Ariela immediately manipulates him by threatening to take their baby back to America. It’s a dynamic that simply will not work. Biniyam is already willing to say he’s done without accomplishing a single thing he promised. Ariela is already saying she isn’t going to compromise and stay there. Biniyam said what he had to say to make Ariela’s mom happy, but Ariela is seeing who he really is now. When Biniyam said he was done, she looked like she had never considered that he could leave her. Ariela could very well end up abandoned in Ethiopia.
Deavan and Jihoon are the only couple truly left in limbo this episode. Deavan’s mom finally leaves, which does give them a chance to really connect, but also Jihoon is still Jihoon. He is still a grown man without a job getting gas money from his mother. Deavan’s mom is incredibly dramatic with her train metaphor, but I get why she’s worried. Deavan is basically going to be raising three kids in a foreign country. Jihoon was also obviously lying when he said he’d stop taking money from his mom. He’s used to them supporting him and he’s not just going to give up that habit. They can’t escape Jihoon’s parents, so I have little hope we’re going to see Jihoon actually grow up.
Only two couples come out on top in “The Truth Hurts,” and that’s Sumit and Jenny and Kenny and Armando. Sumit is finally going back home to defend his relationship, and we got to meet his parents. After hearing their side of things, I understand why they have an issue with Jenny. It’s not just that she’s older — it’s that she lied about the very nature of their relationship. It’s kind of messed up that Jenny became friends with Sumit’s mom while secretly sleeping with her kid. Of course, Sumit and Jenny are still adults, but they never should have hid their relationship. That choice comes back to Sumit, though. Sumit should’ve married Jenny in 2014; he can’t put the blame on his parents. Sumit isn’t ready to stand in the truth of his relationship with Jenny and lose his family. It feels like Sumit still thinks there’s some perfect lie he can tell that will let him have both worlds. Even Jenny knows that’s not possible.
Finally, there’s Kenny and Armando, who really don’t do anything this episode. If anything, their arc represents the promise 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way holds on the other side of this mid-season break. The duo finally head back to Armando’s hometown, and the extended preview hints at some of the major issues they’re going to face. Armando’s father isn’t going to have an easy time accepting their relationship. It looks like they might get denied for a marriage license. While there might not be much drama between Kenny and Armando, their relationship is facing the hardest bureaucratic challenges.
Between that, Ariela being forced to have her baby sooner than expected, and Brittany’s return to Jordan, the preview already proves this season is just going to get better. 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way will return on a new night, Sunday, starting on October 11. I’m going to miss these confused and star-crossed lovers, but it also feels like their stories are just getting started.