Though Netflix doesn’t have a satisfactory wig budget for Avatar: The Last Airbender, it does have the funds to keep the show going for two more seasons. The streamer renewed the live-action reimagining of the fantasy epic for seasons two and three on March 6. A renewal makes sense. The Last Airbender’s nostalgia bait (and attempt to atone for M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation crimes) pulled in 41.1 million viewers and 297.6 million hours viewed in the 11 days since its February 22 premiere, and it topped the charts in 76 countries. Upcoming entries are expected to mirror the three-season arc of the original Avatar, whose run ended in 2008. Book 2: Earth follows the core gang of Aang, Katara, and Sokka as they traverse the Earth Nation and link up with new allies, while Book 3: Fire provides an explosive ending to the saga. If the live-action version did anything right for fans in its first go-round, it was making Aang’s familiar, the flying bison Appa, fluffy and cute like a Clifford-size stuffed animal. While that might be all of the things Netflix’s version accomplished, at least Appa will be VFX’d once more.