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The 20 Best Action Movies on Netflix Right Now

Blade Runner - 1982
Blade Runner. Photo: Ladd Company/Warner Bros/Kobal/Shutterstock

This list is frequently updated as titles leave and join Netflix. *New additions are indicated with an asterisk.

Netflix has made headlines by investing in highbrow dramas that win Oscars. But sometimes you don’t want that! Sometimes you just want to escape the increasingly insane world out there into an action movie. Netflix has made a few of their own, but the bulk of the best action films on their service are still Hollywood blockbusters from ‘90s modern classics to more recent box office hits to films that may have slipped under your radar. From Matt Reeves to Steven Spielberg, here are the best action movies currently on Netflix.


Year: 2019
Runtime: 1h 59m
Director: Sam Mendes

This Oscar winner doesn’t land on streaming services very often, so take this chance while you can. Sam Mendes directs a visceral recounting of a personal story told to him by his grandfather about his time in World War I, allowing the harrowing journey of a British soldier (George MacKay) to unfold in one unforgettable, unbroken shot.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Year: 2022
Runtime: 2h 28m
Director: Edward Berger

One of Netflix’s most critically successful films is this German adaptation of the book of the same name that had already been turned into a hit film back in the ‘30s. Conclave director Edward Berger helmed a film that won a stunning four Oscars: Best Cinematography, International Feature, Original Score, and Production Design. Check it out to see why.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Baby Driver

Year: 2017
Runtime: 1h 53m
Director: Edgar Wright

It’s a little harder to watch this movie now given what we know about some of its cast, but it’s still such a remarkably well-made piece of action filmmaking, the kinetically unforgettable story of a getaway driver who knows all the best tunes. Ansel Elgort, Jamie Foxx, and Lily James may be the stars of this movie, but it’s Wright’s showmanship that really steals the spotlight.

Baby Driver

The Big 4

Year: 2022
Runtime: 2h 21m
Director: Timo Tjahjanto

Have you seen The Night Comes for Us? You would remember if you have because director Timo Tjahjanto is a maniac, a madman who choreographs and shoots action scenes like no one else in the world right now. He returned in late 2022 for his Netflix original about a group of assassins who are forced into action when someone kills their mentor. It’s kind of like a live-action Looney Tunes with bazookas.

The Big 4

*Black Hawk Down

Year: 2001
Runtime: 2h 24m
Director: Ridley Scott

The legendary Oscar winner directed this Hollywood version of Mark Bowden’s non-fiction book of the same name, which tells the story of a 1993 incident in Mogadishu that became known around the world. Members of the U.S. Military (including soldiers played by Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Eric Bana, and a very young Tom Hardy) are pinned down in the city as they try to capture a faction leader. This is a technical marvel, winning Oscars for Best Editing and Sound Mixing.

Black Hawk Down

*Blade Runner

Year: 1982
Runtime: 1h 57m
Director: Ridley Scott

The great Ridley Scott followed up Alien with another one of the most influential sci-fi films ever made in this loose adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Harrison Ford stars as Deckard, a burnt-out cop in a dystopian future that includes replicants who have gone rogue. As he hunts them down, including their leader Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), he falls for one of them, played by Sean Young. The influence of this film is so striking that it can really be seen in almost every sci-fi flick released in the four decades since. Note: The version on Netflix now is the definitive Final Cut version.

Blade Runner


Year: 2023
Runtime: 1h 59m
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra

Taron Egerton stars in a film that’s designed purely as a guilty pleasure machine. He plays a TSA agent who gets caught up in a terrorist plot that’s being run by a criminal played by an icy and menacing Jason Bateman. Listen, some of this makes no sense, but it’s escapism. Turn your brain off and enjoy.


Dune: Part Two

Year: 2024
Runtime: 2h 45m
Director: Denis Villeneuve

You can now watch the entire Dune saga to date on Netflix for the first time (for a month at least since the first half is leaving on 1/31 – Netflix, never change being weird). The second half of Villeneuve’s saga fulfills the promise of the first, turning the set-up of the 2021 film into a full-blooded action tale of a new messiah. Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya lead an all-star cast in a film that understands both scope and character. It may not play quite as well at home as it did in theaters, but it still rocks.

Dune: Part Two

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Year: 2024
Runtime: 2h 28m
Director: George Miller

One of the best films of 2024 has finally been added to Netflix, joining its partner Fury Road, which is also available on the streaming giant (consider this an entry for both). Ignore the haters, this is robust action filmmaking at its greatest, serving as a prequel to Fury Road but also a fantastic film in its own right. Anya Taylor-Joy captures Furiosa as a survivor in a desperate world, but it’s Chris Hemsworth who steals the movie, sketching a tyrant too power-mad to comprehend his own stupidity.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga


Year: 2014
Runtime: 2h 15m
Director: David Ayer

The director of Suicide Squad (the first one) is one of our more divisive blockbuster filmmakers, but everyone seems to agree that this 2014 war movie is among his best. Not only is the story of an American tank crew tightly made, but it features one of Ayer’s strongest cast, and one of the strongest of any war movie in the modern era, including Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pena, and Jon Bernthal, all totally bringing it.

Godzilla Minus One

Year: 2023
Runtime: 2h 5m
Director: Takashi Yamazaki

Netflix stunned people when they stealthily dropped this worldwide hit on their service on June 1st, making a movie that wasn’t even on VOD finally available at home. The winner of the Oscar for Best Visual Effects, Godzilla Minus One is a masterful blend of action and social commentary, considered by many to be among the best in this generations-spanning franchise.

Godzilla Minus One

The Harder They Fall

Year: 2021
Runtime: 2h 19m
Director: Jeymes Samuel

The Harder They Fall came and went too fast in late 2021 and deserves to find a bigger audience on Netflix. The phenomenal Jonathan Majors stars in this stylish Western with tons of attitude, memorable characters, and brilliant set pieces. He’s joined by Idris Elba, Zazie Beetz, Regina King, Delroy Lindo, Lakeith Stanfield, Danielle Deadwyler, and many more in a film that feels like it will become bigger as its incredible cast become acting legends.

The Harder They Fall


Year: 2014
Runtime: 2h 49m
Director: Christopher Nolan

No one else makes movies like Christopher Nolan, a man who took his superhero success and used it to get gigantic budgets to bring his wildest dreams to the big screen. Who else could make this sprawling, emotional, complicated film about an astronaut (Matthew McConaughey) searching for a new home for humanity? It’s divisive among some Nolan fans for its deep emotions, but those who love it really love it. Celebrate its 10th anniversary with them.


The Killer

Year: 2023
Runtime: 1h 59m
Director: David Fincher

Michael Fassbender gives his best performance in years as an icy hired assassin who struggles to hold things together when a job goes horribly wrong. It’s a movie about a self-proclaimed perfectionist who is constantly defying his own voiceover, a great film that’s alternately hysterical and thrilling. One of the best of 2023.

The Killer

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Year: 2015
Runtime: 1h 56m
Director: Guy Ritchie

This loose adaptation of the ‘60s TV show looked like it was going to be a major summer blockbuster, but it kind of ended up a box office bomb, killing a potential franchise before it really began. In part because of that fate, it’s developed a loyal cult following, people who adore its undeniably cool blend of action and a few of the most beautiful people in the world. With the recent success of Guy Ritchie’s The Gentlemen on Netflix, it’s a perfect time to chase that experience with this superior film.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Rebel Ridge

Year: 2024
Runtime: 2h 11m
Director: Jeremy Saulnier

Future superstar Aaron Pierre stars in the latest from the phenomenal director behind Blue Ruin and Green Room, proving again that he is one of the best at tight action filmmaking. Wasting no time, Rebel Ridge opens with Pierre’s character essentially robbed by smalltown cops while he’s trying to take bail money to his cousin. The former military specialist doesn’t take that well. This is one of the best Netflix originals in a long time. (Streaming September 6.)

Rebel Ridge


Year: 2022
Runtime: 3h 5m
Director: S.S. Rajamouli

One of the biggest films in the world in 2022, this crazy action flick really took off in the United States when it dropped on Netflix. It’s hard to put into words just how much movie you get with RRR. It’s kind of all the movies — musical, romance, comedy, action, drama. Whatever you’re looking for, it’s in here. You’ll want to watch it twice.

The Shadow Strays

Year: 2024
Runtime: 2h 25m
Director: Timo Tjahjanto

The maniacal director of The Night Comes for Us returns to Netflix with a chaotic epic about an assassin who revolts against her handlers. Basically, it’s Tjahjanto’s take on the La Femme Nikita story with a young woman trained to be a killer who turns on her own training when she befriends a young boy. None of the plotting matters as much as Tjahjanto’s insane action choreography, which has to be seen to be believed.

The Shadow Strays

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Year: 2023
Runtime: 2h 20m
Director: Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson

What a gift to Netflix subscribers for this to already be on the service so soon after playing in theaters and landing on Blu-ray. This is how you do a big-budget blockbuster sequel, developing the themes of the first movie and setting up the stake for what now appears will be one of the best trilogies in superhero history. Packed with so much detail and creativity, it’s a film you’ll want to watch over and over again.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man 2

Year: 2004
Runtime: 2h 7m
Director: Sam Raimi

Most superhero movies on streaming services are the exclusive property now of Disney+ given their ownership of the MCU, but Sony superhero films are allowed to escape the clutches every now and then and find their way to other streaming services. Right now, all three films from Sam Raimi are on Netflix. The second film is easily still the best, but they’re all worth a rewatch (yes, even the third one).

Spider-Man 2

Triple Frontier

Year: 2019
Runtime: 2h 6m
Director: J.C. Chandor

One of the most underrated Netflix originals, this film was written by Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) and directed by the man who helmed Margin Call. The great ensemble here includes Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, and Pedro Pascal in the story of a group of former U.S. soldiers who plan and (poorly) execute a heist in South America. Triple Frontier is an old-fashioned action movie with a great modern cast.

Triple Frontier

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The 20 Best Action Movies on Netflix Right Now