A new Cards Against Humanity set just dropped; I wonder what the first one says… Cards Against Humanity is suing [BLANK] over trespassing on their property in Texas. Thankfully, there’s a perfect answer for that. The popular card game company CAH has filed a lawsuit against SpaceX and in turn, Elon Musk, as they have reportedly been using CAH’s lot in Cameron County, Texas. Originally, CAH purchased the vacant lot to mess with Donald Trump’s plans for a wall in 2017, as the property is on the US-Mexico border. Now, their neighbors Elon Musk and SpaceX, who have been there since 2014, have parked construction equipment on their property. In the lawsuit (where the photos can be seen), the company clearly states, “None of the equipment, none of the materials, none of the workers depicted in these pictures are owned by or associated with CAH in any way. SpaceX has never asked for permission to use the Property, much less for the egregious appropriation of the Property for its own profit-making purposes.” They’re asking for $15 million in damages to the property.
In a less formal declaration, CAH made a website explaining that Musk tried to give them a “lowball” offer for “less than half” of the land’s value. They stated, “Why do we need to do this? Even if Musk un-fucks our land, that doesn’t un-fuck the damage he’s done to our reputation. 150,000 people gave us their hard-earned money, and in exchange we vowed to protect this land from racist billionaires and their dumb vanity projects.” They also state that if they win the lawsuit, they’ll give the original 150,000 people who donated to the original cause up to $100. But if Musk doesn’t want to fork over the cash, they have something else in mind: “P.S. We will also accept Twitter.com as compensation.”