Ian McKellen was reportedly hospitalized after falling off a stage during a June 17 performance. The actor later said in a statement that he needed more recovery time and has withdrawn from the U.K. tour of Player Kings. He has since opened up to share more details about his fall and what injuries he is still healing from.
Say it ain’t so!
June 17, 2024: Ian McKellen has been hospitalized after falling off the stage during a performance of Player Kings on the West End in London. BBC News shared that he was in a fight scene with two other actors when he reportedly fell off the front of the stage and cried for help as the house lights came on. The theater was evacuated, and the next show was canceled. Per McKellen’s team, Noël Coward Theatre released a statement reassuring that following a scan from the NHS team, he will “make a speedy and full recovery” and that McKellen is in “good spirits.” They also confirmed that Tuesday’s show has been canceled “so Ian can rest.” They also thank two doctors in the audience by their first names, Rachel and Lee, for their assistance during the fall. McKellen plays Sir John Falstaff in the adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2, with performances continuing until the end of the month.
Addressing the ‘accident’
June 18, 2024: Ian McKellen has provided an update on his condition. “I want to thank everyone for their kind messages and support,” he said in a statement issued by his publicist. “Since the accident, during a performance of Player Kings last night, my injuries have been diagnosed and treated by a series of experts, specialists and nurses working for the National Health Service. To them, of course, I am hugely indebted. They have assured me that my recovery will be complete and speedy and I am looking forward to returning to work.”
More recovery time needed
July 1, 2024: McKellen announced that he will withdraw from future performances of Player Kings to “protect his full recovery.” The rest of the show’s run will be continued with understudy Devid Semark playing McKellan’s role of Falstaff from July 3-27. Below is his full statement.
Reliving the moment
August 21, 2024: McKellen is still healing from his Player Kings fall. “My chipped vertebrae and fractured wrist are not yet mended,” he told Saga. “I don’t go out because I get nervous in case someone bangs into me, and I’ve got agonizing pains in my shoulders to do with my whole frame having been jolted.” According to Saga, the actor is still wearing a neck brace and keeping his right hand in a splint. Next-door neighbors are currently taking care of him, while four friends are shopping and cooking for him. Despite his lasting injuries, McKellen noted that the fat suit he was wearing for his role as Falstaff “saved” his ribs and other joints, optimistically concluding, “I’ve had a lucky escape really.”
McKellen also opened up to share more details about his “horrible” fall, which he said he has “relived” often. He recalled that his foot got caught in a chair during a battle scene. As he tried to shake it free, he began sliding, like he was “on a skateboard,” on newspaper that was scattered on the stage. “The more I tried to get rid of it, the faster I proceeded down a step, onto the forestage, and then on to the lap of someone in the front row,” he said. “I started screaming, ‘Help me!’ and then ‘I’m sorry! I don’t do this!’” McKellen said that he felt that his participation in the play was over, and has to keep assuring himself that it was an accident, and not an indication that he is now too old to act. “I don’t feel guilty, but the accident has let down the whole production,” he added. “I feel such shame. I was hoping to be able to rejoin the play on the tour, but I couldn’t.”
This post has been updated.