Amy Schneider is a very cool and smart millionaire who accomplished one of the hottest winning streaks in Jeopardy! history; she finished her run as the second-best player in consecutive games won (40!) and the fourth in highest regular-season winnings ($1,382,800!) while chasing her destiny to become the future spokesperson for the pearl-necklace industry. Of course, just like the Kens and Jameses and Matts before her, Schneider wasn’t a shoo-in for each victory, and the engineering manager was indeed defeated January 26 by a bespectacled librarian. But don’t worry, we’ll see her again later this year to battle in the Tournament of Champions.
Because we need a break from staring at the Wordle countdown clock, your friends at Vulture thought it would be fun to reprise our Jeopardy! clue quiz for Schneider since we know you’re dying to see if you can match her buzzer acumen. (You probably can’t, but whatever.) We’ve laid out the clues and categories Schneider buzzed in for and got incorrect as they were given on Jeopardy! verbatim. You don’t need to type your answer in the form of a question — our technology isn’t that hip — but we have made it so minor misspellings and changes in capitalization won’t count against you. (Example: “phil colins” for “Phil Collins” would be fine.) Good luck!
BEVERAGE RHYMES: Cessation of hostilities between fruit liquids
OUT OF THE CRADLE: Soft silicate substance
HISTORICAL FICTION: Michelle Moran wrote of this beautiful woman, “Queen of Egypt, Daughter of Eternity”
OMAHA: Late publisher of the Omaha World-Herald Henry Doorly gave his name to this, the state’s No. 1 attraction
OMAHA: Omaha is on the west bank of this river opposite Council Bluffs, Iowa
HUT, HUT: Here’s Seaman’s Hut, used as an emergency shelter in this country’s Kosciuszko National Park
BOOK-TITLE MATH: 1956’s “Dalmatians” minus 2003’s “People You Meet in Heaven”
WORLD CAPITALS: An annual event called Winterlude includes skating on the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in this city
PERIODS OF TIME: Thumb-sucking might be part of this, an infant’s first stage of development, according to Freud
NAMED FOR A PLACE: Lyme disease derives its name from the town of Lyme in this state, where cases were first observed in the 1970s
WORLD HISTORY: In July 1776, he set sail from England aboard the Resolution in search of a Northwest Passage
YOU CAN QUOTE ME: Ralph Waldo Emerson asked, “What is” one of these but “a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered”
JESUS & NERO: Nero blamed Rome’s Christians for this A.D. 64 disaster and used it as an excuse to persecute them
WE'VE GOT THAT BAND’S NUMBER: Matty Healy, lead singer of these Brit rockers, was born 14 years after the year in their name
SOUNDS SERIOUS: Cutis anserina is nothing to worry about; it’s just this “fowl” reaction to cold or fear
THE MID-ATLANTIC STATES: Mid-Atlantic city where you’ll find the crypt of John Paul Jones
EUROPEAN HISTORY: Signed in this small northwest nation in 1985, the Schengen Agreement covers the free movement of peoples through the European Union
FROM THE GREEK: “O beware, my lord, of” this! From the Greek for “zeal”
TRENDING: Also called ... a Victorian collar ... this lace band ... was in fashion in the 1890s ... & ... it's ... tight
THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR: The Germans got an early edge by being more efficient at this process of getting troops “on the move” and ready to fight
PUT UP YOUR DUKES: A bit surprising that a Frenchman, François Gérard, painted this duke, the reddest of all Redcoats
DENNIS QUAID MOVIE ROLES: World War II naval commander “Bull” Halsey
DENNIS QUAID MOVIE ROLES: Smooth-talking New Orleans police detective Remy McSwain
“B” MOVIES: Cameron Diaz did plenty of swearing on the job when she was supposed to be instructing students in this 2011 comedy
7-LETTER WORDS: It’s a statement or proposition that, despite sound reasoning, leads to a self-contradictory conclusion
THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: In 1948 this Dixiecrat won 39 electoral votes with only 2 percent of the popular vote
GEOLOGY: A transform fault such as the San Andreas is where two of these very large plates slide past each other
OPERA: Dr. Grenvil examines Violetta in Act 3 of this Verdi opera, but it is too late — she dies in her lover’s arms
SPORTING EVENTS: In 1752, one of the first races in this sport was run — four miles from Buttevant Church to St. Mary’s Doneraile
FIRST AMONG SEQUELS: Logically, George Romero followed up Night of the Living Dead with this 1978 sequel
NOVELS & NOVELISTS: La Galatea, his first novel, appeared in 1585, 20 years before his most famous one
“K” 9: One who uses political influence to put another in power
FIRST RESPONSES: Chelsea Clinton, Levi Strauss chair Bob Haas, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai all worked at this management-consultant McCompany
INTERNATIONAL LANDMARKS: In December 2020, an international agreement added nearly three feet to this; one surveyor lost half a toe in the effort
GEOGRAPHY: Home to about 500,000 people, this republic, southwest of India, is made up of about 1,200 coral islands and sand banks
THAT'S BOGUS: This word for a fake once meant the craft of metalmaking
TWENTY QUESTIONS: In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln used this synonym for 20
THE HISTORIC WHITE HOUSE: Previously known as the “President's House” and “Executive Mansion,” the White House got its official name in 1901 from this man
SPEAK LIKE A FRENCH CANADIAN: An expression that translates as “Rabbit skins are falling” means this is happening outside
THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN …: General in this service was Benjamin O. Davis Jr., son of the first African American U.S. Army general
GLOBAL LIT: Many expected this blind Argentine “Labyrinths” writer to win a Nobel Prize, but he never did
THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN …: To sing at this music festival was Grace Bumbry, as Venus in Tannhauser
MUSIC LEGENDS: Of their July 1957 first meeting at a church fair, one of this pair recalled: “I was a fat schoolboy and … he was drunk”
ON THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM: Winston Churchill’s best female friend, Violet Bonham Carter, was the first woman president of this party, the opposite of Winston’s
EURO-POURRI: This river and the Ebro are the two longest on the Iberian Peninsula
WORD ORIGINS: From the Greek for “ring,” the first ones were built by the Romans, including one that could hold 250,000
WHICH CABINET DEPARTMENT?: The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
ANNIVERSARIES: In January 2015, 1,500 military reenactors marked the bicentennial of this battle at Chalmette Battlefield
RELIGION: In 2018, the Mormon or LDS Church announced a course correction to stress this full name that mentions the Savior
THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE: Many anti-Missouri men had been active in this faded party and were accused by opponents of using the issue to make a comeback
BANK SHOTS: The Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong has long diagonal braces to protect it from these tropical cyclones of the region
19TH-CENTURY NOTABLES: On his deathbed in France in 1890, he told his brother, “The sadness will last forever”
STATE YOUR BUSINESS: General Mills, Land O'Lakes
BROADWAY MUSICALS: Each in a show that ran more than two years, Ethel Merman and Sarah Jessica Parker played two different characters with this first name
ROYAL WOMEN: In 2020, this country's Queen Margrethe celebrated her 80th birthday
ONE LETTER DIFFERENT: A tiny European republic and a Hall of Fame Dolphin quarterback
HISTORICAL AMERICANS: In 1838 he took a new last name, of a family in Walter Scott's "The Lady of the Lake"; for distinction he added a second "S" to the end
ANCIENT FAITH: Mara was a demonic deity who tempted this religion founder on several occasions without success
CUTS FROM CLASSIC ALBUMS: “Come As You Are” and “In Bloom” (1991)
OATS: In the early 1900s, Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner devised this rolled oats cereal as a health food
CEMETERIES & MEMORIALS: 60,000 are at rest in a national memorial cemetery opened in 1949 in the crater of an extinct volcano in this state
HOLMES & WATSON: Artist-scientist William Henry Holmes painted cliff dwellings in the 1870s and soon helped establish this -ology in America
WEIGHTS & MEASURES: This unit of measure also means “to come to understand”
PALACES: Once a home of Henry VIII, Hampton Court Palace was expanded at the behest of William and Mary by this 17th-century architect
A PART OF IT: The parts of this lowest section of your brain are the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata
7-LETTER ANAGRAMS: Made someone aware of danger and changed something
AWARDS AROUND THE WORLD: France’s national theater award; it’s named for a man who died in Paris in 1673
CORRECT THAT NUMBER: In a classic poem: "Then they rode back, but not / Not the" 19
FILMS OF THE 2000s: One of the screenwriters of this 2001 film described it as "Clueless meets The Paper Chase"
NONSENSE: Beloved nonsense words include this creature that Pooh and Piglet track through the snow — or is it a Wizzle?
NONSENSE: The German work "Songs" of this structure for hanging people actually contains jolly nonsense like "the sniffle"
WRITERS DO RIGHT: This author of vampire novels donated $1 from each sale of "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" to the Red Cross
FROM TV TO FILM: In the film version of this TV show, Crockett and Tubbs left the Sunshine State for a bit to go to Cuba and Haiti
U.S. MUSEUMS: Named for a benefactor, it was established in 1893 to house artifacts from the nearby World's Columbian Exposition
CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP HEROES: In the first ever conference championship in 1971, Baltimore downed Oakland, putting the game away with a 68-yard fourth quarter touchdown strike to Ray Perkins from this legendary quarterback
COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD: The only nation in the world whose name in English ends in an H, it's also one of the 10 most populous
Answers, descending from the top (1–37): Juice truce; talc; Concord, New Hampshire; Nefertiti; Omaha’s Zoo; Missouri River; Australia; 96; Ottawa; the oral stage; Connecticut; James Cooke; a weed; fire when Rome burned; the 1975; goose bumps; Annapolis; Luxembourg; jealousy; a choker; mustering; Duke of Wellington; Midway; The Big Easy; Bad Teacher; a paradox; Strom Thurmond; tectonic plates; La Traviata; steeplechase; Dawn of the Dead; Miguel de Cervantes; a kingmaker; McKinsey; Mount Everest; Maldives; a forgery
(38–78): A score; Teddy Roosevelt; it’s snowing; the Air Force; Jorge Luis Borges; Bayreuth; John Lennon and Paul McCartney; the Liberal Party; the Tagus River; circus; the Treasury Department; the Battle of New Orleans; the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; the Federalists; typhoons; Vincent van Gogh; Minnesota; Annie; a snake; Denmark; San Marino and Dan Marino; Frederick Douglass; the Buddha; Nevermind; muesli; Hawaii; archaeology; to fathom; Christopher Wren; the brain stem; alerted and altered; the Molière Award; 600; Legally Blonde; Woozles; the gallows; Stephenie Meyer; Miami Vice; the Field Museum; Johnny Unitas; Bangladesh