Gather ’round, children, and watch as a new Lady Gaga music video will appear out of nowhere. One … two … three … “Abracadabra!” Gaga premiered a new music video during the 2025 Grammys on February 2, “Abracadabra,” off her March 7 album Mayhem. Parris Goebel choreographed, the costumes were extravagant, and Gaga was singing nonsense. “Abracadabra,” Gaga sings on the breakdown. “Ab-rah-ca-da-ah-bra-ah.” Plus, there was obvious product placement, which any longtime watchers will know is a Gaga standby dating all the way back to the deranged and amazing Wonder Bread and Miracle Whip (to name just two) placements in “Telephone.” This time, it was a much classier Mastercard logo that came up as soon as the video ended. It’s a sign to buy latex.