It seems like all the evidence the TikTok detectives find on the cast members isn’t bothering the mastermind behind the pods. Love Is Blind creator Chris Coelen defended how the show casts its hopeless romantics to The Hollywood Reporter, especially after the drama surrounding Tyler and his children that he didn’t disclose to producers or Stephen’s … whatever his deal was. “One is we have a very rigid vetting process. We have background checks and psychological evaluations. Everyone in the world has a story and we aren’t the police,” he explained. “If someone has children or doesn’t have children, that doesn’t preclude them from participating in the process. If someone has a bad relationship with their mother or someone’s had a certain sexual experience in the past or someone is in debt, all those things are very common for the vast majority of people. Everyone has stuff. Everyone’s lived life, and our job is not to make sure that everyone talks about everything.” But if half of the drama is on social media, where’s the happy medium of getting the full story, or at least not feeling confused for half of the storylines?
Coelen explained the disconnect this season further: “The philosophy we have on Love Is Blind is whatever happens, we want to do our best to be able to explain what actually happened. That’s what we try to do, and sometimes that can be frustrating for people. ‘Well, why didn’t we see that?’ Because we weren’t filming, or as Alex just said publicly, there were certain things Tim wanted to keep off camera. And by the way, probably to their detriments.” Maybe this encourages future cast members to lay it out on the table in future seasons to avoid the he-said-she-said bickering from the reunion.