
It’s a M3gannomenon

She’s baaaack. Photo: Universal Pictures

M3gan danced her way to a sequel. After overwhelmingly outperforming box-office expectations and becoming a storied Twitter meme, Atomic Monster and Blumhouse are coming out choreographing M3gan 2.0, sadly fumbling the title bag (did Meg4n not occur to anyone in the boardroom?). It’ll be written and directed by Gerard Johnstone. Audiences have been stanning the doll since the movie’s trailer first dropped, which sees the Model 3 Generative Android do a sick dance jig before her next kill. “And they just get it: to picture her as kind of iconic,” Allison Williams told Vulture, referring to the robot doll stans’ immediate appreciation. “The memes that they’re making — we can go home, our job is done.” Little did she know M3gan would keep the entire team employed if they so wished. Here’s the instruction manual for the upcoming M3gan sequel.

Who’s M3gan torturing this time?

A few of the usual suspects are coming back for seconds. Williams, Violet McGraw, Brian Jordan Alvarez, and Jen Van Epps are reprising their respective roles; joining them is M3gan herself: Amie Donald as the physical M3g and Jenna Davis as the spooky voice. Newbies include Ivanna Sakhno as Amelia and Timm Sharp, Aristotle Athari, and Jemaine Clement in unnamed roles.

What’s it about?

Set two years after the original film, Gemma (Williams) becomes author and advocate for the regulation of artificial intelligence. When a defense contractor steals the technology behind M3gan and creates their own evil AI-powered robot called Amelia who’s on taking over the world, Gemma reboots an updated M3gan to destroy Amelia.

Dance-along teaser incoming…

“Miss me?” M3gan teases the upcoming sequel with a little Chappell Roan. It’s a M3gannomenon!

When’s the party happening?

M3GAN 2.0 invades theaters on June 27.

It’s a M3gannomenon