Our delightful little British bear is going on a Peruvian holiday. Paddington in Peru, the third installment in the heartwarming series, follows the talking bear’s journey to the South American country to visit his sweet aunt Lucy in the Home for Retired Bears. When the gang discovers his auntie is nowhere to be found, Paddington and his adoptive family set out on an unexpected trek through the Amazon rainforest and the mountain peaks of Peru. Let’s see if they can best that train-top battle from the last installment, a.k.a. Hugh Grant’s self-professed best film. Everything you need to know before setting off on a journey to parts unknown (with the gang, at least).
The trailer teases a rescue operation deep into the Amazon.
Ready to jet-set to Peru to visit his aunt Lucy in the new trailer, Paddington takes a really bad passport photo. Talking bears, they’re just like us. Otherwise, we see the squad arrive at the Home for Retired Bears for Paddington’s family reunion, only to find that Lucy has set off for some quest in the Amazon and hasn’t been heard from since. Naturally, they endeavor to find her, with a habit-clad Olivia Colman and guide Antonio Banderas in tow.
New cast members join the adventure.
Colman, Banderas, and Emily Mortimer will join Paddington for his international jaunt. Colman plays a brand-new character: a bear retirement home’s guitar-playing head nun. Banderas is a savvy riverboat captain who helps lead the rainforest journey. Mortimer takes the place of Sally Hawkins, who played Mrs. Brown in the two previous films. Rachel Zelger was supposed to join the movie to play Banderas’s daughter but could not finish the project due to the SAG-AFTRA strike. Hugh Bonneville, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Madeleine Harris, and Samuel Joslin also star in Dougal Wilson’s directorial debut. Though Paddington is rendered in CGI, all of the human actors filmed on location in the U.K., Peru, and Colombia.
When’s the release date?
Paddington sets off on his journey on February 14, 2025. Valentine’s Day, how romantic! The original release date was January 17, 2025, but the bear got pushed back. Don’t worry, he’s politely waiting his turn.
This post has been updated throughout.