The Serbs are back! As predicted, the owner of the coke that Liliana is in possession of would soon return to claim what’s theirs. And for any new Power universe fans, Tommy and Ghost had a complicated, violent history with the Serbian drug ring. Luckily for Liliana, Tommy is not one to fuck with. Let’s get into it.
Jenard is on his Alpo Martinez shit— and it’s quite annoying. It’s almost impossible to root for dishonorable behavior. Ever since Diamond has been released from prison, Jenard has had a chip on his shoulder, and his ego isn’t going to be good for Chicago. In the episode’s opening, Jenard and Elijah meet at the barbershop. He explains to Elijah, who at this point is his closest ally, why it’s important for him to regain leadership over CBI, even if it means knocking his brother out the way. Elijah (who is played by R&B singer Jeremih) reminds him that most CBI soldiers have familial lineage to the gang. Their uncles and brothers were under Diamond’s leadership 15 years ago, making breaking any principles that CBI was built on unlikely.
In the barbershop scene, we officially meet JP’s son D-Mac. The young Chicago hitter doesn’t have a relationship with his father, and like other fatherless teens who grow up in violent stricken neighborhoods, CBI has become his family. Jenard tasks him with rounding up a few other soldiers.
Back at Tommy’s place, he is suspicious about Claudia Flynn’s moves and tasks Liliana with following her.
Claudia is out in Chicago streets carving out a lane for herself. She initiates her first drug deal and makes sure Reggie, her first official client, knows that her brother and father cannot know about the new opportunities she’s presenting.
After their new opportunity fails, Tommy and Diamond meet up at Slick’s diner to talk business. Slick and his buddy bring a comedic relief that is most familiar for those of us with grandpas who have no filter. To Tommy’s surprise, Vic shows up. He reached out to Diamond to make amends and apologize for his father’s behavior. Motivated by money, the three men agree to join forces. Vic makes this decision behind his father’s back, of course.
Things between the three amigos get off to a rocky start. They head to the Yardie’s territory — the first target of their renewed pipeline of trafficking quality drugs throughout the Chi. But things take a left before a proposal to Zamost could even occur. Elijah hit Diamond’s phone to warn him about the police closing in on the Yardies — apparently, someone tipped off the police. That someone is probably Jenard. As the police invade the Yardie’s territory, the three amigos (Tommy, Diamond, and Vic) barely escape. Diamond notices the weird cop who visited him in the shop. Vic informs him that the cop is on his payroll, which pisses Tommy off. Back to square one.
On his way to drop Vic off at his car, Vic invites Tommy to grab a drink, but the catch is he wants the two to have a drink at Gloria’s bar (what a flipping weirdo). Tommy doesn’t fall for the manipulation, and the two exchange words; Vic tells Tommy he knows about him and Glo. Tommy is confused and questions why Vic would want to do business with him, but the pretty ugly display of masculinity ends with the two agreeing to put an opportunity to make money first. Meanwhile, Gloria watches most of the exchange from the bar window.
The three amigos are not the only ones with obstacles in their way. Claudia and Mai don’t have enough of their designer drug to make an impact, and there’s tension between her and Mai. Although it’s Mai’s drug, Claudia has been calling the shots leaving Mai to feel more like the help than a business partner. After shortly withholding information, Mai admits to previously working with a chemist, and now Claudia wants to meet said chemist.
Back at the barbershop, Jenard and Elijah give Diamond a hard time about his decision to move in on the Yardies. At every chance he gets, he reminds Diamond about the 15 years he put in. Before his dramatic walkout, he warns Diamond about getting wrapped up in Tommy’s shit.
Vic also finds himself getting scolded. His old man found out about his earlier whereabouts and is pissed. The two get into a heated argument about the future of the Flynn family. Walter makes it clear he’s the only decision-maker for the Flynn family. Vic’s choices push Walter to confront Tommy about his dealings with his son. He makes several threats that, of course, don’t phase Tommy.
While Tommy is finally meeting JP’s father, Liliana has been kidnapped by the Serbs and needs Tommy to come to her rescue. JP’s father is a straight no chaser kind of guy and isn’t super welcoming to Tommy, but Tommy is okay with that. Although he enjoyed family time, Lilianna’s cryptic text message lets him know shit got real.
Tommy shows up like the gangster superhero he is just in the nick of time and blasts off the heads of two Serbs. No one saw him coming. And now, a war has basically started. Seeking backup and a temporary place to park Liliana, Tommy visits Diamond. Although Diamond owes him one, he doesn’t agree to help Tommy take down the Serbs. For Diamond, the risk is too heavy.
Speaking of risks, JP almost loses his life trying to protect his club. He comes face to face with his son, and he has no idea. D-Mac is seeking attention, so with the help of his friends, he shoots out the windows of his father’s club. Accustomed to murdering the people they rob, one of D-Mac’s friends almost put a bullet in JP.
At the barbershop, Liliana turns down an offer from Jenard. He offers her a price to kill Tommy. Regardless of the complicated past she and Tommy have, she proves her loyalty.
But in the Power universe, loyalty isn’t always the priority. Claudia and Mai invite the chemist over to “offer” her a job. In reality, though, the offer is a setup. The two alpha women have falsified documents to frame the chemist, just in case she decides she doesn’t wish to participate in their drug ring.
Without Diamond’s help to take down the Serbs, Tommy calls on a hungry Vic. Vic has little to lose and much more to prove and gain.
The storm finally arrives. Tommy faces the Serbs. He knows they want Liliana, but he’s committed to protecting her at all costs. After exchanging a couple of words and then a couple of threats, Tommy takes down the Serbs and their leader in the most epic way, showing that he’s just as savage as them.
Four episodes into the season, and the action is in full effect! The way Tommy has been putting bullets in his enemies this episode would make anybody want him on his team.