On the latest season of Selling Sunset, we see the Oppenheim Group finally shutter their infamous office on Sunset Boulevard in favor of a larger, more lavish space … right next door. In many ways, this feels like a metaphor for the entire season — ostensibly bigger and more opulent than the last, but in all the ways that matter, just the same. Our favorite players (and a few new faces) all assemble to participate in time-honored O Group traditions: tense group dinners, a doomed work trip, and staged confrontations on the balconies of million-dollar properties.
Though the drama gives the air of frivolity, at its core, this show has always been a power struggle among agents, lovers, and twins. But who is the most successful, most connected, and ultimately, most powerful character in the cast? In a season that featured TikTok-famous clients, a secret Vegas wedding, some unplanned rope climbing, and a private-jet moment, there is no shortage of contenders — but only one cast member comes out on top.
There honestly does not need to be two of them.
This season, Marie-Lou inexplicably decides to feud with Chrishell for (allegedly) making her feel unwelcome at the frequent social obligations that come with O Group affiliation (romantic, professional, or the Jason Oppenheim Two-for-One Special). The German model is green when it comes to girl drama and is way out of her depths coming for Chrishell, a seasoned veteran of the sport. Her allegations are mostly baseless, except for the claim that no one is saying her name right. That one seems mostly true.
She seems nice … too nice. She won’t last long.
Heather, one foot out the door on maternity leave, gives us nearly nothing this season. Her highlights include a very pregnant belly and a prolonged house tour featuring extremely off-putting sexual tension between Bre and a 20-year-old Josh Richards in the season premiere. Motherhood is powerful, though, so Heather gets some points.
Nikki Glaser
This season sees Nikki Glaser accost Chrishell with an interminable three-minute set of half-baked stand-up in a staged house, yielding an Oscar-worthy performance as a solo audience member from Chrishell. In her desperation for someone else to scream comedy at, she rescues a drowning bee.
Like Davina before her, Nicole is simply a person that does not belong here. Owing mostly to arguments that predate the season, most of the cast is committed to hating her, and Nicole’s own unwillingness to apologize doesn’t help the situation at all. The drama she brings is boring, and her victim mentality is tired and unjustified. I wouldn’t want her on my PJ either.
Does absolutely nothing to resolve tensions between Chrishell and Marie-Lou. Climbs the bell for no reason. Real powerful people don’t have to prove themselves in this manner.
G Flip
Romantic partners have always taken a bit of a backseat to the main cast on the show, but G Flip showed up this season with an understated power both onscreen and off. They’re touring in Australia, jamming with Amanza, and wifing up the hottest agent at the O Group, all while wearing lots of cool rings! Solid season for G Flip.
Witnessing Chelsea realize that no one actually cares about traditional family structures and that skirting them is not a compelling enough reason to hate Bre, is truly one of the most satisfying revelations of the season. Though she seems committed to quashing all her beef this season, Chelsea’s Capricorn-cusp energy and Bre-nut allergy keeps landing her in it. By her own admission, it’s the only reason she keeps inviting Cassandra around. Chelsea is firmly middle-of-the-pack this season: No forces of good or evil are particularly effective against her, and she wields little power of her own over her fellow agents. Even the twins’ decision to give her the coveted $10 million Mulholland listing over Bre ends up being mostly inconsequential in the end.
Romain does exactly what he is supposed to this season: support Mary and construct things. We love a man who knows his place!
With Heather’s mid-season departure, someone had to step into the role of Designated Shit-Stirrer, and luckily, Amanza was up for the task. Cleverly, Amanza assumed the guise of “peacemaker” of the O Group, which effectively allowed her to insert herself into drama that had absolutely zilch to do with her. Amanza, the plot thanks you for your service. An honorable mention is owed to Amanza’s styling assistant in the wardrobe department, who kept the season as visually stimulating as Amanza kept it drama-filled.
The Mansion Tax
California’s new mansion tax (which is exactly what it sounds like) went into effect in April of 2023. With the bulk of season 7 being filmed early in 2023, agents are scrambling to close as many sales as possible before the tax is applied, making the tax ostensibly a villain of the season. Despite Nicole’s claims that the tax is “detrimental” to the real-estate market, the tax is objectively good, with expenditure being directed mostly toward affordable housing. But the O Group operates in La La Land, not Los Angeles, so as disappointing as it is, none of the agents’ despair at the tax comes as a surprise.
Bre really could have topped this list if she wanted to, but her over-the-top reaction to a completely nonthreatening Cassandra revealed a deep insecurity and paranoia that was anything but powerful. But she’s unapologetic in everything she does and there is undeniable power in that. She also gets points for saying out loud what we’re all privately thinking about Chelsea: She’s annoying.
Emma’s Private Jet(?)
A lot of questions are raised by the revelation that Emma has a PJ: Is it her PJ or does she simply have access to it? Is it real estate or empanada-preneurship that supports this lifestyle? Was Emma in charge of the flight’s manifesto that allegedly could have fit the entire O Group? Maybe some of these questions will be answered at the reunion (probably not) but regardless, inviting only three of your co-workers on the PJ is a move, and despite the environmental implications, we have to acknowledge the power in it.
Mary goes through quite a bit this season, pregnancy loss chief among her struggles. It’s a difficult narrative to watch play out, especially juxtaposed against the banal drama that plagues the rest of the cast. But Mary is a fighter and doesn’t lose hope for a baby with Romain. The devil herself has spawned, so if there’s any justice in the world, then dumb, wholesome Mary and Romain will be eventual parents in their own right.
Chrishell is inarguably the show’s main character, which makes her a threat to the second-and-third-tier cast members that aren’t her allies. When they come for her, they’re unlucky to find that she’s firmly in her take-no-shit era. As the old adage goes, no weapon formed against Chrishell shall prosper. Plus, she marries G Flip in a low-key Vegas ceremony that even her co-workers are not invited to. That’s a power move, baby! Happily married and having added the likes of Marie-Lou and Nicole to her impressive list of names taken, Chrishell rightfully seems above and over it all this season.
Emma has been on a steady and undeniable growth trajectory since her debut on season four: Expertly avoiding being the center of drama, shilling empanadas, confronting death, and being the closest human being version of Barbie on a planet where Margot Robbie lives and breathes. This season, it all comes together for Emma. She defeats the social-climbing allegations with grace, and her PJ moves establish her as a true power player, unafraid to draw lines in the sand. Moreover, her friendship with Chrishell appears stronger than ever. What gives Emma the ultimate edge over Chrishell is that she allows me to rest easy at night knowing she would never date an Oppenheim. Emma Hernan supremacy!