A new season of television’s best show about incompetent policing, corrupt local politics, and predatory lending is on its way. And no, I’m not talking about a gritty drama where a group of anti-heroes competes to see who can be the least heroic in dim lighting. I’m speaking, of course, about HBO Max’s sitcom South Side. The trailer for its third season drops fans right back into the show’s sprawling Chicago universe, with Rent-T-Own employees Simon and Kareme interrupting a father’s morning motivational speech to his children to repossess the furniture they’re sitting on, hapless Officer Goodnight trying and failing to recover his stolen squad car by throwing a football at it, and Alderman Gayle cruising on a three-wheeler he likely bought using misappropriated public funds.
Created by Bashir Salahuddin, Diallo Riddle, and Sultan Salahuddin, who play Goodnight, Gayle, and Simon, respectively, the upcoming season of South Side will consist of eight episodes, airing two per week starting December 8. It was shot on location in Chicago and will offer a “glimpse at what it’s really like to live on the South Side,” according to an HBO Max press release. Elsewhere in the trailer, Sergeant Turner, played by Chandra Russell, is wisely discouraged from buying an apricot-flavored snow cone on the street, and Chance the Rapper reprises his season-two role as Herb from the currency exchange to wage war on Rent-T-Own. “Soon R-T-O will be R-T-No More,” he says ominously.
Make sure you’re up-to-date on your television payments. You won’t want it repossessed before season three premieres.