Now that the actors have fought and won a fair contract, they will try to make up for lost time for upcoming releases, like The Marvels, out this weekend. Brie Larson made a quick stop on The Tonight Show to promote the latest film release in the MCU on opening night. However, the lack of chicken-wing interviews and home tours might have put a damper on their opening-weekend box-office numbers. On Friday, the film was estimated to earn $21.5 million, per Deadline, with an overall opening weekend estimate of $47 million to $52 million. It’ll potentially be the lowest opening for any Disney Marvel movie ever. Just this year, Quantumania and Guardians 3 earned over $100 million each for their openings; however, both had support from promotion from their stars and slightly more positive reviews from critics. Maybe The Marvels can make up for a low opening weekend through the rest of its time in the theaters, similar to Elemental, for a more paws-itive theatrical run.