You’re the Worst is a Los Angeles show, to a T. In one of their classic “Sunday Funday” episodes, they basically listed every east Hollywood-Los Feliz-Silver Lake bar, from 4100 to Ye Rustic. And what does L.A. have more than any other place? Celebs! (Also, med spas, lots of med spas.) Creator Stephen Falk and stars Aya Cash, Kether Donohue, and Desmin Borges talked their shit with Vulture’s Jen Chaney. The You’re the Worst reunion panel had laughs, tears (Edgar’s PTSD storyline made Desmin Borges cry), but most of all it funny things to say about famous people. A comprehensive list of everyone who caught a stray at Vulture Fest 2024:
Dane Cook
Stephen Falk said he was worried about having Desmin Borges on the show, because he’d already had a role on a different project with Dane Cook that didn’t work. “I thought he was bad luck, but he wasn’t.” Falk said. “Dane Cook was.”
Borges also called Cook “the dude who was 2.5 hours late to my read with him at Wendy O’Brien’s office because apparently one of the tires on his motorcycle blew out, and he didn’t have another transportation to get there.”
“The only thing I was say about Moby is that, and God bless him, but Moby is the number one person that I know, like Hollywood celebrity that girls I know have made out with and feel really shit about it,” Stephen Falk said.
Travis Barker
“Travis Barker was supposed to be on the show,” Aya Cash dropped. “Do you remember that? He was there, and he left before we shot.”
Hollywood Press
“You play these stupid press games,” Cash also said. “I don’t know, our business is stupid …”
How I Met Your Mother
“It felt really gimmicky to repeat it, it was sort of like Slapsgiving or whatever,” Falk said. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it’s easy chum for the audience.” -Stephen Falk on Sunday Funday episodes
TV Writers
“The big lie of TV is that the writers always know how it’s gonna end, and they know the exact right moment,” Falk himself admitted. “It’s bullshit, absolute bullshit.”
Zach Braff
When it was suggested that You’re the Worst crowdfund the backing for a sequel movie, à la Sex And the City, Falk balked: “Then we have, like, Zach Braff’s movie that no one watched? No. No, FX has to fucking pay for it.”
experience Vulture Festival 2024
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