Brian Moylan is the author of the New York Times best seller The Housewives: The Real Story Behind the Housewives. He also writes Vulture's Housewives Institute Bulletin newsletter. He started covering television in 2000, and his TV reporting and criticism has appeared in the New York Times, The Guardian, Vice, Gawker 1.0, Time, Cosmopolitan, Town & Country, the Washington Blade, and many other outlets.
Scream Queens Recap: Un-American PsychoWe finally got some answers about Grace’s mother, the Bathtub Baby, and just what Denise Hemphill would do with her lottery money.
Scream Queens Recap: Phony BolognaFinally, after all these weeks, the action is sagging. No one even died this week. No one we actually cared about, at least.
Scream Queens Recap: Trick or TweetThis show is either the most spot-on satire of political correctness and identity politics on college campuses, or it’s the stupidest thing ever.