Brian Moylan is the author of the New York Times best seller The Housewives: The Real Story Behind the Housewives. He also writes Vulture's Housewives Institute Bulletin newsletter. He started covering television in 2000, and his TV reporting and criticism has appeared in the New York Times, The Guardian, Vice, Gawker 1.0, Time, Cosmopolitan, Town & Country, the Washington Blade, and many other outlets.
American Woman Recap: Good VibrationsBonnie has electrical troubles, but calls in a painter instead of an electrician while Diana learns how ‘70s gay bars work.
Pose Recap: Chicken PattyAngel continues her confrontation with Stan’s wife in an episode titled after a classic disco song that has a special meaning for Pray Tell.
Queer Eye Recap: Man of the HourThe Fab Five make over a trans man who’s trying to look his best (and who really needs to lose the “cat pee couchâ€).