Heather Havrilesky Author Archive
  1. recommendations
    Go Buy a Treadmill Desk Right NowIt keeps you from feeling like you’re dying all the time.
  2. advice
    Ask Polly: I Can’t Pass the Bar!Take a leap of faith.
  3. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Am I Obsessed With Married Men?Being the “other woman” wouldn’t live up to your fantasies.
  4. advice
    Ask Polly: I Tried to Tell My Friend She’s a Bad Drunk!Opening your mouth is complicated. That’s why most people don’t do it.
  5. entertaining
    Everything You Need to Know to Plan Your Impeachment PartyMuch remains unknown, but we’ve got the cocktails figured out.
  6. advice
    Ask Polly: How Do I Escape My Professional Envy?Remember that the targets for your jealousy are irrelevant.
  7. advice
    Ask Polly: I’m a Stepmom, But I Want a Baby of My Own!This is a completely understandable desire.
  8. books
    Sheryl Sandberg’s Impossible PositionWhat her new book shows us about being a woman in the public eye.
  9. advice
    Ask Polly: Men Are Too Intimidated to Date Me!Your assumptions are getting in your way.
  10. advice
    Ask Polly: My Married Friends Are Driving Me Crazy!Here’s what you should do: Nothing.
  11. advice
    Ask Polly: My Ex-Friends Think I’m Selfish and Terrible!Were they ever really your friends in the first place?
  12. advice
    Ask Polly: Is Life All Downhill From Here?Don’t assume that the future is even worse that the present.
  13. advice
    Ask Polly: What Am I Doing Wrong With Men?You think you have to be on all the time.
  14. advice
    Ask Polly: Now That We’re In Our 30s, My Friends Are Abandoning Me!Sometimes people just don’t show up for you.
  15. advice
    Ask Polly: What Does Love Feel Like?Get a dog and find out!
  16. advice
    Ask Polly: My Friend Says I’m Always Competing With Her for Men!Is she really your friend?
  17. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Does My Terrible Ex Get to Be So Happy?Your question isn’t really about your ex.
  18. advice
    Ask Polly: I Quit My Job to Have a Baby, Then I Had a MiscarriageWhy is it so hard for women to talk about these things?
  19. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Do I Only Want Unavailable Men?It’s easy to give your love to someone who doesn’t care.
  20. advice
    Ask Polly: Am I Pretty?What would be different if you were?
  21. advice
    Ask Polly: I Overshared My Way Out of a Boyfriend!Your oversharing is an insecure, impulsive attempt to fix everything.
  22. advice
    Ask Polly: I Got Sick, Dumped, and Fired. What Now?This is an incredible moment in your life.
  23. advice
    Ask Polly: Men Are the Worst, and I’m Married to One!Don’t turn the story of ignorant white men into a story about your actual husband.
  24. advice
    Ask Polly: I’m Trying to Be Kinder, But It’s So Hard!Stop blaming yourself.
  25. advice
    Ask Polly: My Boyfriend’s Friends Don’t Like Me!Don’t be so quick to see rejection.
  26. advice
    Ask Polly: Should I Quit Grad School?Not just yet.
  27. advice
    Ask Polly: When Will I Feel Worthy?Start by feeling your feelings.
  28. advice
    Ask Polly: I’m Pretending I’m Happy Single, But I’m Not!Stop faking it.
  29. advice
    Ask Polly: My Boyfriend Dumped Me for a Crazy Reason!This guy needs a therapist.
  30. advice
    Ask Polly: I Finally Got Sober, but I’m Losing Faith!Stop believing that you don’t believe.
  31. advice
    Ask Polly: I Hate Going Out, But I Feel Boring Staying In!Don’t worry about what other people think.
  32. gift guides
    What to Buy for the Nasty Woman in Your LifeA special gift guide.
  33. advice
    Ask Polly: I Was Roofied at My High School Reunion!What you experienced is a very personal form of terrorism.
  34. advice
    Ask Polly: I Moved Back Home and I’m Miserable!Your mom is not going to save you.
  35. advice
    Ask Polly: How Do I Deal With My Trump-Voter Dad?This is not exactly in the optimal state for patient conversations with close relatives.
  36. advice
    Ask Polly: I Don’t Believe Anything I Do Will Make a Difference!It doesn’t make you a saint to care about others right now; it makes you a human with blood in your veins.
  37. advice
    Ask Polly: How Do I Feel Hope at a Time Like This?Election edition.
  38. advice
    Ask Polly: I’ve Failed at Everything I Worked to AchieveSooner or later, we all discover that life is not a never-ending victory march.
  39. dystopias
    A Conversation With Your Future Child About the 2016 Election“Did you vote for the Great and Powerful Emperor Trump?”
  40. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Was This Vacation Such a Disaster?Stop wondering what you did wrong.
  41. advice
    Ask Polly: Should I Start Blogging Again?Writing stuff that’s deeply personal can feel like breathing in deeply for the first time
  42. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Won’t My Former FriendsForgive Me?You don’t actually want their friendship.
  43. perfect 10
    You’re Doing Your Kid a Favor by Being an Imperfect ParentShow them that being a human means trying and failing.
  44. advice
    Ask Polly: Is He In Love With Me, or Has He Broken Me?He’s an emotionally arrested clown.
  45. advice
    Ask Polly: I’m Trapped With a Nice Guy in the Wrong Country!This isn’t his fault.
  46. advice
    Ask Polly: Should I Try to Help My Alcoholic Friend?You’ve already done all you can.
  47. marriage
    If You See Brad Pitt As a Fallen Hero, It’s Because the Rules Have ChangedWhat the Brangelina divorce says about marriage and gender.
  48. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Do Women Obsess About Babies and Fertility?Women struggling to conceive go through hell.
  49. advice
    Ask Polly: Why Am I So Upset About Someone Else’s Pregnancy?This isn’t about the baby.
  50. advice
    Ask Polly: Am I Too Intense to Have Close Friends?You’re just attracted to people who seem not to need you.
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