Best Wood-Floor Repair - Best of New York Home & Services 2007 -- New York Magazine

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Best Wood-Floor Repair

  • StanleyCo

    979 Third Ave., Ste. 820; 212-308-2822

    New York’s top architects and biggest flooring retailers agree that Michael Savino is the go-to guy for wood flooring: from installation, sanding, and finishing to fixing flooring mishaps of every kind, like the ones that happen after you’ve taken down a wall, removed an in-floor electrical outlet, or, oops, overwatered your plant. The reason he’s so sought-after? His crew is as good as he is. His two lead men, who have been with him since he started StanleyCo sixteen years ago, were trained as cabinetmakers in England, a country known for the quality of its carpenters. They, in turn, have trained the other eight members of his staff. The entire team is known for doing dry layouts and templates or mock-ups of intricate patterns that include circles, curves, and difficult miters. Installation runs $25 to $50 a square foot, with sanding and refinishing costs between $5 and $10 depending on pattern, stain, and type of finish.

From the 2007 Best of New York issue of New York Magazine