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The Coens Will Translate Michael Chabon’s ‘Yiddish’ for Rudin
Coens Speak Yiddish: Joel and Ethan Coen reteam with their No Country for Old Men producer Scott Rudin to adapt Michael Chabon’s brilliant The Yiddish Policeman’s Union, about a murder investigation in an alternate-history Jewish settlement in Alaska. And just like that, everything else on the Most Awaited List gets knocked down a rung. [Variety]
Yo, Joe: As the WGA strike draws to a close, it seems only appropriate to post one last piece of G.I. Joe news, in tribute to the movie whose epic saga of C-list casting kept this column going while so many more interesting and noteworthy movies stalled with unfinished scripts. Today in G.I. Joe, the unfortunate David Murray vacates the role of masked villain Destro owing to visa issues and is hurriedly replaced with Christopher Eccleston. [IESB]
See Jane Run: Hollywood doesn’t care that you don’t like Thomas Jane, have never paid to see Thomas Jane, and barely know who Thomas Jane is. To Hollywood, you are the disease, and the only cure is more Thomas Jane. The latest dose of medicine is the action thriller Run, which seems to involve Jane as an Interpol agent in Argentina, tons of car chases (cars provided by BMW!), and direction by John McTiernan, a filmmaker you haven’t cared about in almost a decade. [Variety]
Broderick, Alda, Madsen Diminished by IFC: IFC acquires North American rights to Steppenwolf star turned filmmaker Terry Kinney’s feature Diminished Capacity, about a road trip taken by a demoted newspaper man (Matthew Broderick), his uncle (Alan Alda), and his high-school sweetheart (Virginia Madsen) to sell a possibly valuable baseball card. Okay, look, obviously the card will turn out to be worthless, but the three characters will learn to love one another and themselves, right? Oh … sorry, IFC. How much did you pay? [Variety]
Lavigne Promises “The Best”: Big talker Avril Lavigne kicks off her “The Best Tour Ever” — said to feature more up-tempo rock tunes, backup dancers, and even a Joan Jett cover — early next month in Victoria, Canada. That’s a mighty hubristic name for a tour that doesn’t even have Rihanna or N.E.R.D. in it. [Billboard]
Pinkins And Her Hair Star in Play: Tony-award-winning Broadway star Tonya Pinkins heads west to play multiple characters whose lives play out in a beauty shop in Zina Camblin’s And Her Hair Went With Her, opening at the Fountain Theater in Los Angeles this April. Rumors of a Tony Kushner script polish in which the curling irons and shampoo bottles sing to Pinkins could not be confirmed at press time. [Playbill]
The Coens Will Translate Michael Chabon’s ‘Yiddish’ for Rudin