Tagline: “If I remember correctly, you didn’t like the sporting goods job. Working in the investment firm wasn’t for you either. Or the oil rig job. You didn’t exactly finish up with flying colors in the Air National Guard, junior … What are you cut out for?”
Translation: The parts of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly will be played here by Josh Brolin.
The Verdict: In April, when we posited that Oliver Stone’s upcoming Bush biopic W. would be the surprise comedy hit of 2008, we were kidding, mostly. So, you can imagine our delight and surprise when we saw this brand-new teaser trailer and realized that Stone intends to market this thing like a spiritual sequel to Step Brothers. Yes, we know this is supposed to be a tragedy, but come on — the music! The drunk fighting! That funny face Josh Brolin is making the whole time! — doesn’t this actually look like it might turn out inappropriately (and intentionally) funny? Count us officially excited.
Earlier: How George W. Bush Became Hollywood’s Eccentric Uncle
Five Hilarious Moments From ‘W’
Oliver Stone’s Bush Biopic Will Be the Comedy Hit of 2009