wintour wonderland

Anna Wintour Will NOT Work for Barack Obama

This week rumors emerged that Anna Wintour would leave Vogue when her contract expires soon. We speculated that if that happened, she’d spend her days sculpting her guns in her newly expanded gym in her Mastic Beach mansion. But according to MSNBC, “at least one person* in the magazine industry” had even grander ideas than we did — that she’d accept a “cultural post of some sort” in the Barack Obama White House. A Vogue rep told MSNBC the rumor is completely false and that Anna “won’t be working for Obama in any way.” But just for fun, can we imagine what it would be like to have A-Dubs in the White House? As, say, the “National Style Adviser” or “Secretary of Chic” who oversaw the Committee of Sartorial Awareness, whose mandate was to methodically rid the nation of things like Crocs, Lauren Conrad’s clothing line, leggings, fringed moccasins, and clashing? Obama people: We dare you to make our day.

Anna Wintour: No plans to work for Obama [MSNBC]

*Does that mean if we say we hear she’ll join a nunnery in Tibet, MSNBC will devote an entire item to us?

Anna Wintour Will NOT Work for Barack Obama