Calvin Klein Obscured Kellan Lutz and Mehcad Brooks’s Abs in Their New Underwear Ads

Twilight’s Kellan Lutz has been confirmed as a face of Calvin Klein Underwear. The campaign also stars True Blood’s Mehcad Brooks. Though he does not play a vampire in the series, Brooks brings added vampire flavor to the campaign, along with those red Xs, which are not there to make you think of blood-sucking but to remind you that the new manty range being advertised here is called “X.” But how are we supposed to tell if all those push-ups Kellan is doing in elevators are paying off when his figure is obscured by a giant transparent letter? Oh, Calvin Klein, how you SLAY us.

Hidetoshi Nakata and Fernando Verdasco.Photo: Courtesy of Calvin Klein

Here you see Japanese soccer star Hidetoshi Nakata, who sits front-row at fashion shows and is also known as the Asian David Beckham. The other athlete in the ads is Spanish tennis star Fernando Verdasco, both of them again with breasts obscured. Calvin Klein may as well have body painted these boys.

Kellan Lutz to Appear in Calvin Klein Underwear Ads [WWD]

Calvin Klein Obscured Kellan Lutz and Mehcad Brooks’s Abs in Their New Underwear Ads