More details have emerged about the ten members of the busted Russian spy ring, and it turns out one of the secret agents — Cynthia Murphy — had “several work-related personal meetings” with a man the court papers describe as “a prominent New York–based financier active in politics.” According to the transcripts, the Moscow Center in contact with Murphy was quite intrigued by this mystery man.
In response, Moscow Center described the man as a very interesting target and urged the defendants to “try to build up little by little relations … Maybe he can provide” Murphy “with remarks re US foreign policy, ‘roumors’ about White house internal ‘kitchen,’ invite her to venues (to major political party HQ in NYC, for instance. … In short, consider carefully all options in regard” to the financier.”
Another one of the arrested ten, Vicky Pelaez, worked for several years for El Diario La Prensa, the largest and oldest Spanish-language paper in New York City. Pelaez was known for her op-ed columns, which were often critical of the U.S. The more that gets revealed about all of this, the more it just screams for a Hollywood adaptation.
[AP via National Review]