mark madoff

Bernie Madoff’s Son Mark Reported Dead [Updated]

Bernie Madoff’s son Mark, 46, was found dead in his Soho apartment this morning in an apparent suicide, on the second anniversary of the day his father was arrested. His wife, Stephanie, currently in Florida, reportedly sent her father to the family’s apartment after reading worrisome e-mails from her husband, and Mark’s father-in-law found him hanged early this morning. Mark’s 2-year-old son was sleeping in a nearby bedroom, as was their labradoodle. There was no note.

A former broker at his father’s firm, Mark was sued this week by Irving Picard, the court-appointed trustee recovering assets for the victims of Bernie’s Ponzi scheme. Mark has repeatedly said he was unaware of the scheme.

Bernie Madoff’s Son, Mark, Found Dead [NYP]
Madoff’s Eldest Son Found Dead in Suicide [NYT]

Bernie Madoff’s Son Mark Reported Dead [Updated]