The Worst Thing About Being Pope Is Not Going Out for Pizza

A man shows a pizza made for pope Francis during the weekly general audience in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican on March 11, 2015.
A man shows a pizza made for pope Francis during the weekly general audience in Saint Peter’s square at the Vatican. Photo: Eric Vandeville /Sipa USA

Pope Francis celebrated the second anniversary of his election by going on Mexican television and talking about the thing he missed most about his pre-papal life: pizza

The only thing I’d like to do is to be able to go out one day without anyone recognizing me and go get a pizza. In Buenos Aires, I was a rover. I moved between parishes and certainly this habit has changed. It has been hard work to change. But you get used to it. You find a way to get around: on the phone, or in other ways.”

Apparently, the pope’s passion is well known. On March 11, a man held a heart-shaped pizza that said “Papa Francesco” on it while waiting to see the man himself on St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel first met Pope Francis, she promised him that the next time they saw each other, “we will go into the piazza for a pizza.” The pizza meeting did not happen. 

Pope Francis also said on Noticieros Televisa that he did not expect his tenure at the Vatican to span many more years. “I have the sensation that my pontificate will be brief: Four or five years. I don’t know. Or two or three. Well, two have already passed!”

He did not say whether his cravings for pizza factored into this decision. 

Pope Francis Misses Pizza Very Badly