Are You Ready to Comptroll? - Early and Often - New York Magazine's Politics Blog

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3:38 PM

Debate Team 

Are You Ready to Comptroll?

The time has come. Tomorrow. 7 p.m. Tune into "Inside City Hall" on NY1 and find out definitively (and finally) what exactly it is that a comptroller does. You may be shocked, you may be alarmed. Life as you know it may never be the same. But at least you'll know. And knowing is half the battle.

After weeks of ducking invitations to square off in a head-to-head battle of comptrolling skills, sitting (or is that teetering?) state comptroller Alan Hevesi will take on opponent Chris Callaghan. The one-hour debate may touch on a few other issues beyond the ins and outs of pension-plan management. But we're just guessing.

So, what does one wear to a comptroller's debate?

Spitzer May Withdraw Support for Hevesi as Candidates Gear Up for Debate [NY1]
