GOP Rep Wants Rummy Out So He Can Stay In - Early and Often - New York Magazine's Politics Blog

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10/ 5/06

1:10 PM

Attack of the Day 

GOP Rep Wants Rummy Out So He Can Stay In

20061005eandoshays.jpgConnecticut Republican representative Christopher Shays called for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation on Wednesday. Shays, a longtime supporter of the Iraq war, is frustrated by misleading testimony given by Pentagon officials appearing before the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security, emerging threats, and international relations. Shays — who chairs the subcommittee and has traveled to Iraq fourteen times since the war began — joins a growing list of moderates in tough election fights trying to carve out the right position on the unpopular Iraq War.

"I am losing faith in how we are fighting this war," he told the Washington Post. "I believe we have to motivate the Iraqis to do more."

Tough stuff. And you thought Hugo Chavez could swing the rhetorical anvil. Shays offered his comments while waving a copy of Chicken Soup for the Scared Bush Supporter's Soul, which peaked Wednesday at 146,324 on sales rankings.

"GOP Lawmaker Calls for Rumsfeld to Quit" [AP]
