Upstate Blizzard Dulls Pols' Senses - Early and Often - New York Magazine's Politics Blog

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4:25 PM


Upstate Blizzard Dulls Pols' Senses

The winner of our "Who Will Bail Bilge From the USS Reynolds" contest has come forward. Capital Confidential confirms our initial assertion: George Pataki will stand with anyone. The governor appeared with beleaguered Tom Reynolds, County Executive Joel Giambra, and Mayor Byron Brown in Buffalo this very afternoon "to provide briefing on the coordinated response to the snow storm." We congratulate Messrs. Pataki and Reynolds. Voters are sure to be impressed by local pols taking a strong, unified position on contentious issues such as snow removal. (And what does a congressman have to do with that? Perhaps Michael Brown has the answers.)

In other chilling news, both John "There's a Little Black Spot on the Sun Today" Faso and Eliot "Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic" Spitzer both spent a snowed-in night in Buffalo. Faso had to cancel appearances today in Rochester and Syracuse and instead is plowing his way to Watertown. Spitzer bedded down in the airport but is now home cupping a hot toddy and chuckling.

Reynolds Makes an Appearance [Capital Confidential]
The Snow in Buffalo [Empire Zone]
