Jamie Pesavento, Fashion Designer

Photo: Jake Chessum

Does your necklace say “Hottie”?
It was a present from a really close, good friend. Someone who I share a lot of intimate stuff with. We thought about dating, but we never really did, so it’s just like a flirtatious friendship.

You’re very good with the camera—are you a performer?
Well, I do like to do some kind of performance, like when I get dressed up. My friends and I will wear high heels and our regular boy clothes, and go down the street just doing runway.

What kind of heels do you like?
High ones. And sexy.

Have you always liked to wear heels?
When I was 6, they used to make Lucite heels, and the strap across the front was elastic. My mom got them for me. They may have had rhinestones, which was, of course, the development of my liking for glitter and flash.

So are the clothes you design hard to understand?
They’re probably a little forward. I’m really good at using plain fabric and making it into a new form. I use poly-chiffon, say, and then I rebirth it. So it’s more than a piece of poly-chiffon. It’s beauty unto itself.

Jamie Pesavento, Fashion Designer