The Everything Guide to Bras -- New York Magazine

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The Everything Guide to Bras

One hundred years ago, the word brassiere appeared for the first time in Vogue. For something that’s supposed to be a demure underthing, the bra has had a very public arc, from quaint early ads to fetish-catering pinups to innerwear-as-outerwear (cue Madonna). Below, links to a chronology, how to buy, care for, and generally understand this one flimsy garment.

The Search for the Right Fit
For some, bra shopping is about as fun as dental work. But there’s a lacy underthing out there for everyone.
The Mechanics
It looks so simple. Gwen Widell and Jill Gurhan, design and technical vice-presidents respectively at Wacoal, describe the engineering necessary for a bra to do its thing.
How to Increase the Shelf Life
Proper bra care means your bra will keep its pristine shape about one year. Tips on keeping your delicate underthings in good stretching order.
Boom and Busts
A timeline of the brassiere, from 1907 to the present.
Ask the Lingerie Experts
Nikki Dekker and Maayan Zilberman of the Lake & Stars.