Untitled Document

Did you want London to win its bid for the Olympics?

Sample comments:
“Yes, because we are the centre of the universe.”
“Yes, because it’s good for the economy.”
“No, because England is a shithole.”

Were you excited about the Games before they started? Are you excited about the Games now?

Did you agree with Mitt Romney’s recent comments questioning whether London was prepared for the Olympics?

Do Londoners deserve a reputation for being grumpy about the Games?

Are you attending—or have you attended—any events in person?

If you’re attending events, how many are you going to?

*One of the respondents was a dancer in the opening ceremonies.

If you’ve been to or will be attending any events, how did you get the tickets?

(Respondents could select more than one answer)

If you purchased tickets, what’s the most you paid for a ticket?

How do you feel about the empty seats at certain events?

Sample comments from respondents who chose "other."
“Not London’s fault, blame the officials!”
“I don’t think there are that many seats, it’s just being hyped by the media.”
“The problems have now been addressed.”
(two respondents circled two answers)

Are there any athletes in particular that you’re rooting for?

(Top answers given; respondents could list multiple athletes)

Which sport(s) are you most interested in?

(Top answers given; respondents could list multiple sports)

On a scale of 1-10, how big of a sports fan are you?

Have the Games increased/decreased your interest?

One a scale of 1-10, how much have the Games disrupted your life, with 10 being the highest level of disruption?

Sample comments:
“Increases in traffic.”
“The London Underground is often very crowded.”
“Noisy helicopters; annoying tourists.”
“Lots, because the programming for children’s TV has changed.”
“I thought it would be chaos. We live 200 metres from the Park, but it’s been great. No disruption at all. P.S. Mitt Romney is a dick.”