Former Democratic mayor Ed Koch played a key role in the recent election of Republican Bob Turner to Anthony Weiner’s old seat. As the Times puts it, to “ask Jewish residents in Brooklyn and Queens to vote against an Israel-loving observant Jew for Congress to send a message to President Obama” seemed “nutty” at first. But it worked, big time.
So is Koch done sending a message? Doesn’t look like it. After all, there’s an upcoming election in which Obama’s running. What better way to send a message than campaign against him? He says, unless the president changes his position on Israel, he’ll go to Florida and try to get the Jewish population there to turn out against the Democrat, just as he did in Queens and Brooklyn. The Obama administration reached out to Koch two weeks before the Turner–Weprin showdown, but apparently Koch wasn’t pleased with what they offered. The conclusion, he said, was “‘Let’s keep talking.’”
But Koch says he won’t necessarily support the Republican candidate: Everyone but Romney, he says, is “wacky” and “absolutely unacceptable.” That guy, so shy with his opinions.