jesus christie

Chris Christie Gets an Urgent Plea From Springsteen, But Not the One He’d Hoped

TRENTON, NJ - OCTOBER 04: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announces his decision to forgo candidacy in the Republican primary race for president at a a news conference at the Statehouse October 4, 2011 in Trenton, New Jersey. Christie said that
TRENTON, NJ - OCTOBER 04: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announces his decision to forgo candidacy in the Republican primary race for president at a a news conference at the Statehouse October 4, 2011 in Trenton, New Jersey. Christie said that “now is not my time” and that he felt committed to his position in New Jersey and would not abandon it. (Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images) Photo: Jeff Zelevansky/2011 Getty Images

Chris Christie’s love for Bruce Springsteen is famously unrequited, but now he has an opportunity to change all that. The Boss’s 20-year-old daughter, Jessica Springsteen, who is an accomplished equestrian, sent the New Jersey governor a letter through the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, asking him to sign a bill prohibiting the slaughter of horses for their meat, or their sale and transportation for that purpose. This is a no-brainer. Worst-case scenario: Christie saves some horses from being eaten. Best-case scenario: Bruce pens an inspiring ballad about a Jersey boy saving his hometown with the swish of a pen.

Christie Gets Urgent Plea From Springsteen