Anyone Want to See an Incredibly Sassy Twitter Fight Between Two New York Political Officials?

It all started when Bill de Blasio announced on the radio this morning that if he becomes mayor he plans on replacing Bloomberg appointee David Yassky as taxi commissioner. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but the comment ended up sparking a brief but incredibly nasty Twitter beef between Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson and Upper East Side state assemblyman Micah Kellner, one that seemed to feed on a deep, ancient, mutual hatred. Here is that Twitter fight, somewhat annotated. 

Kellner started things off by reacting with jubiliation to the news of Yassky’s imminent departure as the city’s taxi commish:

Wolfson didn’t take kindly to that.

(Kellner, currently a state assemblyman, lost his bid for a City Council seat last week amid allegations that he sexually harassed two staffers. Kellner is now the subject of an ethics probe, and Wolfson seems to be implying that his time in the Assembly will come to an end soon, leaving Kellner jobless.) 

(Wolfson is currently the deputy mayor for Governmental Affairs. Mayor Bloomberg frequently vacations at his home in Bermuda, sometimes when major snowstorms are happening in New York.)

And that’s it. Fun stuff. 

Wolfson, Kellner Have Sassy Twitter Fight