up in the air

Survey Confirms That Airplane Travel Is the Worst

Photo: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

Congratulations, “Rear Seat Kicker”! According to a survey compiled by Expedia, you are officially the most annoying airplane passenger of 2014, bothering 67 percent of fliers by incessantly digging your feet and/or knees into the seat in front of you, and knocking last year’s winner of “inattentive parent” (64 percent) down to second place. A euphemistic “aromatic passenger” was identified as the third most irritating person one can meet on an airplane, with “armrest hog” and the infamous recliner (or “seat-back guy”) a little further down on the list. But while the poll might validate the rage many people feel upon setting foot on a commercial aircraft, it unfortunately offers no guidance on how to please get that guy to stop kicking my goddamn seat.

Survey Confirms Airplane Travel Is the Worst