Former New York Times journalist Judith Miller’s uncomfortable media tour for her new book, The Story: A Reporter’s Journey, is somehow still going, despite the fact that she has had to go through TV appearances in which she was asked, “Your stories were wrong, right?” and “But you don’t think this is a disaster?”A former colleague wrote in the Columbia Journalism Review:
Last night, she was interviewed by someone who has been especially critical of her role in the lead-up to the Iraq war, Jon Stewart, who did not appear to be incredibly excited to listen to Miller’s explanations and denials. He began the interview by saying, “So, so, so … oh, boy,” and periodically looking at the camera in disbelief during the segment.
Stewart ended the interview by giving up. “We’re obviously never going to see eye-to-eye on it,” he said. “I appreciate you coming on the program. These discussions always make me incredibly sad because they point to institutional failure at the highest levels and no one will take responsibility for it, and they pass the buck to every individual but themselves. It’s sad.”