
Secret Service to Buy Jet Skis to Guard Trumps at Mar-a-Lago

On his way to spend taxpayer money questionably. Photo: MARTIN BUREAU/AFP/Getty Images

Alleged spies lacking underwear, the casual airing of national security matters, a sinkhole at the resort gates — what other fun stuff might emerge about President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club while he’s in office? In the fastest, most furious twist yet, NBC Washington reporter Scott MacFarlane noticed that the Secret Service is currently bidding for two jet skis in order to protect the Trumps at-play down in Florida.

“The First Family is very active in water sports,” the memo reads. “Several family members along with their guest[s] participate in open water activities for which USSS Special Agent Rescue Swimmers are responsible.” — the site where contractors can bid on state contracts — notes that they’re also looking for a trailer to house the two Kawaski toys that the federal government intends to purchase in the ballpark of $9,999 to $15,299. At least Secret Service won’t have to rent jet skis anymore, as they’ve been doing up to this point on their own dime.

Coming soon: The Secret Service buys ATVs and Carhartt camo to protect Trump Jr. when he gets into mudding in a post-divorce motorsport spree.

Secret Service to Buy Jet Skis to Guard Trumps at Mar-a-Lago