When Supreme Court Justices Go RogueRepublicans are accusing Biden of “politicizing” the nomination process. But they’re especially concerned about ensuring justices are on their “team.”
Is Roe v. Wade Now Doomed?We’ve been here before, when the Supreme Court surprised everyone in 1992 by upholding the right to choose. But this new challenge doesn’t look good.
Anthony Kennedy Is an Enemy of DemocracyThe former Supreme Court justice lamented the “decline of democracy” over the weekend. But he is directly responsible for such decline in the U.S.
Justice Kennedy Surrendered to Donald TrumpHis sorry final act in the term that just ended — caving to the Court’s right wing on key decisions — will loom large in Kennedy’s legacy.
Bracing for a Supreme Court Retirement BombshellAt the end of the term, the focus is on Kennedy, whose retirement could ignite the Senate races. But Thomas’s exit might spark a battle in the GOP.
Rough Justice for Public UnionsIn a case key to the future of organized labor, swing Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy sounded like he’d already made up his mind.