Richard Spencer - Intelligencer
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Richard Spencer

  1. war crimes
    Fired Navy Secretary: Trump Sends Message ‘You Can Get Away’ With War CrimesWell, duh — Trump reportedly wants to conscript the accused and convicted war criminals he pardoned to spread the good word about his 2020 campaign.
  2. defense department
    Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Fired Over War-Criminal ControversyRichard Spencer was fired for violating the chain of command and pushing Trump to allow accused war criminal Edward Gallagher to retire as a SEAL.
  3. racism
    Richard Spencer Broke His Contract With AmericaHe agreed to shroud his white nationalism in nice clothes and respectability. He seems to have inadvertently let the mask drop.
  4. There Have Been So Many Bad Lefty Free-Speech Takes LatelyJust because the right and the alt-right make silly, hypocritical arguments about free speech doesn’t mean those on the left should follow suit.
  5. Richard Spencer Supporters Arrested for Shooting at Protesters in Florida“We don’t want violence,” one of the men told local media. “But at the end of the day, we’re not opposed to defending ourselves.”
  6. Richard Spencer’s Domestic Press ConferenceSpeaking to the media from the suburban D.C. apartment he calls an office, the white nationalist had some thoughts on the White House.
  7. Charlottesville Protesters Chase Away White-Nationalist Rally OrganizerThe wounds are raw in the city.
  8. 3 Dead and Dozens Injured After Violent White-Nationalist Rally in VirginiaEverything we now know about Saturday’s violence, including the identity of the driver who allegedly rammed his car into protestors, killing one.
  9. Richard Spencer Leads Torch-Lit Protest to Save Confederate StatueThe mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, said it was either “profoundly ignorant” or intentionally reminiscent of the KKK.
  10. alt-right
    Why Richard Spencer Wants to Ban Football“If I could wave a magic wand, I would absolutely,” the self-avowed white nationalist told a crowd at Auburn U.
  11. ideology
    The Duke Lacrosse Scandal and the Birth of the Alt-RightTen years later, the case looms large in U.S. political culture. For starters, it launched the careers of Richard Spencer and Stephen Miller.
  12. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gets Federal Subsidies for Cotton FarmAccording to a report in Mother Jones, the alt-right figure may pay for his lifestyle through an income from a cotton farm.
  13. Montana Officials Do Not Welcome Armed Neo-Nazi MarchWhite supremacists have been threatening the Jewish residents of a small resort town.
  14. select all
    Alt-Right Figurehead Is Back on Twitter After November BanIt was because he had multiple accounts, not because he’s a Nazi.
  15. The Alt-Right Gives a Press ConferenceThe leaders of the movement make their case for Trump and a new politics of the white race.
  16. ink-stained wretches
    Richard Spencer In As Editor of OK!There’s been some shuffling at the struggling celebrity weekly.