Latest Technology News, Newest Gadgets & More - Intelligencer
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    Judge Says Trump Should Just Mute, Not Block, People He Doesn’t Like on TwitterSeven people blocked by @realDonaldTrump are behind the lawsuit.
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    Study: Fake News on Twitter Is More Popular Than the TruthA new MIT study finds people, not bots, are to blame.
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    This Is Why Alexa Is Laughing at YouYou’re powerless to stop her. She and her ilk grow in power with each passing day.
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    MoviePass Stops Secretly Tracking UsersConcerns were raised after MoviePass’s CEO mentioned that the app was tracking users before and after the theater.
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    Woman Charged With Attempted Murder After Attacking Boyfriend With Samurai SwordEmily Javier purchased a samurai sword after she discovered Tinder on her boyfriend’s phone.
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    Like Everyone Else, Amazon’s Alexa Is Laughing at YouUsers don’t know why the devices are activating on their own.
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    Google’s Plan to Transform Email Is Deeply FlawedGoogle wants to change how you read email. It’s a bad idea.
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    New York Times Issues Funny Correction After Chrome Extension GoofA lesson in making sure your “Millennials to Snake People” extension is turned off at work.
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    Samsung’s Newest TVs Are High-Design, High-Tech ChameleonsA TV that can blend right into your wall.
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    Your Friendly Neighborhood Best Buy Geek Squad Is Even Friendlier to the FBIRepair technicians have a lot of incentive to search for illegal material.
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    Indonesia Blocks Tumblr in Attempt to Crack Down on PornTumblr is blocked but Google isn’t, so it’s very unclear how much this will help.
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    Michael B. Jordan Will Replace Retainer of Teen Who Broke Hers Seeing His PecsIt all started with a now-viral Tumblr post from the teen’s orthodontist.
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    Rhode Island Wants You to Apply, Pay $20 to Look at PornA proposed law in the Ocean State would require all ISPs to block access to adult and offensive content — unless you pay the state $20.
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    Is President Trump Tweeting About Sonic the Hedgehog’s Chaos Emeralds?The president denies “chaos” in the White House, while Obama chuckles.
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    Uber Salary Study Was Wrong, But Drivers Still Don’t Make MuchAn MIT study claimed Uber drivers average $3.37 an hour. It’s really more like $10, which is still less than minimum wage in many states.
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    ‘Liberal Internet Companies’ Are the New Liberal MediaBecause of free speech.
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    Merriam-Webster Adds ‘Dumpster Fire’ to DictionaryA few years too late, but we’ll take it.
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    Bumble Dating App Bans Guns in Profile PicturesThe platform will be moderating all old photos and any new ones you upload, too.
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    Does a Hacker Hero Always Have to Have a Past?Marcus Hutchins single-handedly stopped one of the most dangerous cyberattacks ever. Then the FBI arrested him.
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    Apple Wants to Put HomePods on Your EarsApple reportedly wants to put out a pair of noise-canceling, over-the-ear headphones this holiday season. One small problem? They already do.
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    MoviePass CEO Says App Tracks You After You Leave TheaterThe app’s privacy policy doesn’t disclose the reported data tracking.
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    Hot New Meme: Patrick Star Looking DeviousHe’s up to no good.
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    Facebook Was Asking Some Odd Questions About Child PornA Facebook survey was revised after a journalist flagged a question about child porn.
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    Twitter Probably Should Have Skipped Its Female-Empowerment Oscars AdTwitter’s #HereWeAre ad felt tone-deaf given the platform’s ongoing harassment problems.
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    Hello, Fellow Kids. Would You Like to Bank With Amazon?Amazon is reportedly in talks with JPMorgan Chase to build “a checking-account-like product.”
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    Jennifer Garner’s Mid-Oscars Realization Was the Night’s Best MemeThe actress appeared to have some sort of epiphany during the show.
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    When Amazon Web Services Goes Down, So Does a Lot of the WebA hiccup at an Amazon data center in Virginia meant Alexa lost her voice and Slack went silent.
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    Snapchat Lost Millions on Spectacles, So Now It’s Gonna Make MoreSpectacles 3.0 will reportedly cost $300.
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    Instagram Code Reveals Possible Audio and Video CallingThe feature is lying hidden in the app.
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    How Many Questions Can You Get Right on the Vine AP Test?A high-school student created the ultimate Vine exam.
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    Far Cry 5 Wants to Show an America on the BrinkBut it’s nobody’s fault.
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    Trump Turns on GamersIt’s Trump versus his extremely online supporters in a bout of mortal combat.
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    Turns Out That Equifax Hack Was Even Worse Than We ThoughtAnother 2.4 million people need to be concerned.
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    How 4 College Students Traded Their Nudes for a Very Cute PuppyBalto the husky was for sale for $300 … or several nude photos.
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    How One Texas Candidate Is Using Memes and Facebook to Push the State LeftwardRichard Wolf is only 23, but he has experience in what matters — posting online.
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    Per One Survey, Majority of U.S. Supports Regulating Tech CompaniesIn just three months, public sentiment has nearly reversed on whether technology companies should be regulated.
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    This Teenager’s Tweet Is an Indisputable Argument Against Arming TeachersA teacher at her high school reportedly barricaded himself in a classroom and began firing a gun.
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    Twitter Users Can’t Stop Sucking Up to Dick’sNot much else to say here really.
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    Now You Can Bookmark Tweets to Save for LaterTwitter is introducing a bookmark feature.
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    Gay Olympian Gus Kenworthy Urges YouTube to Crack Down on Hate Speech“Maybe consider filtering out keywords and phrases like ‘faggot’ and ‘kill yourself’ so that they just never show up in anyone’s comments.”
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    Teen Burns Parents With Senior-Yearbook Quote About Club Penguin“Now I gotta hide my yearbook from my parents for the rest of my life.”
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    Did Facebook Really Charge Trump Less for Advertising?Did they?
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    Vero’s Terms and Conditions, ExplainedIt’s actually pretty standard.
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    The Woman Brought in to Fix Uber Is Leaving the CompanyFrances Frei spent nine months working at Uber.
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    Alex Jones Says He’s Being Bullied by a Teenage Stoneman-Shooting SurvivorDavid Hogg spoke out on Twitter after Infowars claimed that he was a paid “crisis actor,” and Alex Jones isn’t handling it well.
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    What Is Vero, Where Can I Download It, and Why Is Everyone Using It?Sick of Instagram’s algorithm? People are flocking to this competitor.
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    The Feds May Be Able to Spy on Your iPhone (But You Can Easily Stop Them)An Israeli-based security company says it can crack any iOS device out there, and it’s already being used by the U.S. government.
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    All the Ways to Make Using Your Phone Slightly InconvenientYou don’t have to go cold turkey. Maybe just lukewarm turkey.
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    Jake Paul to (Temporarily) Stop Vlogging Every Day, BroHe’s reportedly in Florida to help survivors of the Stoneman Douglas shooting.
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    Look Real Fast and Tell Me How Many Legs This Girl HasOnce you see it, you can’t unsee it.
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