American Teen
(No longer in theaters)
Nanette Burstein, Jordan Roberts, Eli Gonda, Chris Huddleston
Paramount Vantage
Release Date
Jul 25, 2008
Release Notes
Official Website
American Teen is the antithesis of The Order of Myths: It overtly ridicules the status quo�then reaffirms it. Maybe this will be the big crossover doc, the hit that’s a hit because it reinforces everything we knew going in. The director, Nanette Burstein, has chosen five teens in Warsaw, Indiana, to illustrate the high-school caste system and the general callousness of teens (big news�when The Breakfast Club came out). You get the geek, the nerdy (but pretty) misfit girl, the jock hobbled by parental expectations, the hunk, and the rich blonde bitch. The blonde bitch turns out to be more human than we thought�but still a bitch. Everyone else is just what they seem. The movie does get under your skin (the tremulous misfit girl, Hannah, might be a breakout role model), but the way it has been put together reminds me of those animal shows where the crew nudges the gazelles in the direction of the lions with multiple cameras standing by.
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New York Magazine Reviews
- David Edelstein's Full Review (7/28/08)