And the Winner Is…

Photographs by Todd Selby

Which of the Best Picture nominees have you seen?
The Departed…. 55
Little Miss Sunshine…. 49
The Queen …. 31
Babel…. 31
None…. 26
Letters From Iwo Jima …. 13
All of ’em …. 2

Which do you think should win?
The Departed…. 31
Little Miss Sunshine…. 23
Babel …. 18
Letters From Iwo Jima…. 11
The Queen …. 11
(“No response”s were not tabulated.)

What do you think of the Oscars?
They represent the best in filmed
entertainment …. 10
Too political…. 36
They should acknowledge comedies and horror movies ….10
Generally pretty accurate …. 16
Um, hello, Crash?…. 19

Do you remember who won for Best Actor last year?
Yes…. 13
No…. 83
“Jamie Foxx!”….1

Best Actress?
Yes…. 17
No…. 78*

Which was better: your favorite TV show last year or your favorite movie?
TV show…. 55
Movie…. 36

What would improve the moviegoing experience?
Less-outrageously-priced snacks…. 57
Comfier seats…. 41
No ads before movies…. 28
Beer…. 26
Better movies…. 26

As Oscar host, Ellen DeGeneres will be
Great…. 50
Okay…. 42
Terrible…. 4
Sexy…. 3

Who should host?
Stephen Colbert, Borat, Oprah, Amy Sedaris, Eddie Izzard, Jesus, Al Gore.

Will Gore announce his candidacy for president on Oscar Night?
Yes…. 7
No…. 87
“I hope not”…. 1

*It was Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote, and Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line.

And the Winner Is…