Armchair Analyst - Vulture
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Armchair Analyst

  1. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes Mr. Robot’s Elliot Alderson“I would not say he is psychotic in a schizophrenia sense.”
  2. armchair analyst
    Orange Is the New Black Psych EvaluationsIs Pennsatucky a psychopath?
  3. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes Mad Men’s Michael GinsbergPrognosis: surprisingly not terrible.
  4. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes the GirlsIs Jessa a sociopath? Was Hannah’s OCD flare-up textbook? Why is Marnie driven to make us all uncomfortable with her performances?
  5. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes Breaking Bad’s Skyler, Walt Jr., and JesseAnd when do you tell Holly about her dad?
  6. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes Breaking Bad’s Outraged Walt Jr. and OthersHow will the parental knife fight affect Walt Jr.?
  7. armchair analyst
    A Psychiatrist Analyzes Mad Men’s Traumatized Sally DraperWill what she saw finally turn her into a hippie?
  8. armchair analyst
    Mad Men on the Couch: A Psychiatrist Analyzes Don and RogerAnd the man who most needs time on the couch: Pete.