Memorial Proposals for the WTC Site
Below, the eight finalists and their visions of remembrance. The designs will be on display at The Winter Garden until a decision is reached. The Winter Garden is open to the public from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
Votives in Suspension
Architect: Norman Lee and Michael Lewis.
Lower Waters
Architect: Bradley Campbell and Matthias Neumann.
Passages of Light: Memorial Cloud
Architect: bbc art + architecture.
Suspending Memory
Architect: Joseph Karadin with Hsin-Yi Wu.
Garden of Lights
Architect: Pierre David with Sean Corriel, Jessica Kmetovic.
Reflecting Absence
Michael Arad.
Dual Memory
Architect: Brian Strawn and Karla Sierralta.
Inversion of Light
Architect: Toshio Sasaki.
Photo Credit: All images courtesy of the
Lower Manhattan Development Corportation