e-mail your submission:
1. Include:
Your name
E-mail address*
Location (i.e., neighborhood,
city, state)
A name for your design
Approximately 150
words describing your vision
1 to 3 .gifs or .jpgs of your design (no smaller than 400x300, no larger than 600x600
pixels recommended)
* We will not print your e-mail address.
2. E-mail your design proposals to [email protected]
Or, to mail your submission:
1. Include the same information as mentioned above. If you don't have an e-mail address, please include a phone number. You may send us printouts or drawings and we
will scan them. (Recommended size: 8.5" by 12" or smaller). New York Metro can not return submissions. (See terms and conditions.)
2. Mail your design proposals to:
WTC Design Proposals
c/o New York Metro, LLC
11 Penn Plaza, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10001