Your WTC Site Proposals
  The Largest American Flag in the World
- Rebecca F. Everett, Westminster, Maryland

The construction footprint could echo that of the original edifices and the street level facades could incorporate the arched motif of the lost buildings. The main building would be as tall or taller than those that were destroyed.

The general shape of the buildings would be a reference to the obelisk of the Washington Monument. The shining glass or other reflective sheathing material would hang on the outside of the most advanced of constructions, and consist of a deep blue field, with 50 applied mirrored stars, in the upper left corners of the East and West facing facades with thirteen vertical stripes of copper alternating with silver.

The three buildings would be the largest American flags in the world. The flag motifs would be exactly true to official flag dimension specifications, and continue down the East and West facades to just above ground level, where the arched motif would begin, thus keeping the flag motifs from "touching the ground". Shining out of the top pyramid of each of the three obelisk shaped structures would be three lasers, one red, one white, and one blue.

At the street level on one of the buildings enclosing the large September 11th Memorial Park, the wall would be deep blue polished marble or granite. The names of every innocent person who perished in the attacks would be engraved. The center gardens would be planted in flowers of red, white and blue to surround a circular reflecting pool in the shape of a huge compass, signifying staying true to our course in protecting and defending Freedom in the United States of America and in the World.

In a news release dated July 24, 2001 the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey called the World Trade Center "a world-renowned icon that for three decades has been New York City's most famous landmark." In that same news release, Port Authority Vice Chairman Charles A. Gargano said, "The World Trade Center and its Twin Towers are among the handful of instantly recognizable structures on the entire planet, like the Pyramids at Giza or the Great Wall of China."

I feel very strongly that what we choose to replace the buildings that were the very symbol of our free enterprise system, and thus, our freedom and democracy, should be a structure that would be among our boldest of statements.

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