I can tell you the turning point from when I went from wanting to be a lawyer to wanting to do this. I was watching the O.J. trial, because I’m old, and I was set to go to law school � like that’s what I wanted to do my whole life. And I was like, �This is a joke. The justice system is ridiculous and this whole thing is a circus,� and it was the first trial that I really watched on TV, like the whole thing, from car chase to verdict. And I was like, �This is ridiculous. This is a media circus.� The Daily Show didn’t exist yet. And a few years later, I was applying for a job, I called my parents, I was like, �I don’t think I want to go to law school. I want to work in TV. I want to work in comedy.� And I never wanted to perform comedy. I love being around it and I like producing it. I am not one of those performers turned writer-producers. Like I am a producer through and through. I love being on it. I love casting, I love finding funny people, I like finding talent. I think I’m a really good comedy editor where I can like talent scout, that kind of stuff. I think I know funny, but I don’t need to be. I don’t love being onstage.